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Video: BuddyPress 1.7 Overview

  • @modemlooper


    Core developer Boone gives an overview of BuddyPress 1.7


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  • @anonymized-7600456



    As far as I understand it a lot of thought has gone into making 1.7 work just the same with the themes that have been developed specifically for BP.

    Have you tried installing it on a responsive theme that was not made specifically to work with BP? Do it. I was amazed.

    Apparently, there are also quite a few ‘backend’ changes which will allow BP to run a bit more efficiently.



    Just installed 1.7, this was a first time install of bp
    Using a Genesis Theme

    All of the the pages in settings including Activation are working fine, however whenever I setup a confirmation page, when I try to go to that page it fwd’s directly back to first page of the site?

    Originally I did have the “anyone can register” unchecked, however after reading on trac, I have checked that, even deleted bp and re-activated still not having any luck with the confirmation page?

    Any thoughts



    @modemlooper – Thanks for posting this link!



    Absolutely can´t wait for the release!

    Just one thing:

    PLEASE don´t make Subscribers go to the WP Dashboard. I want the subscribers to have all they need on the front end of the site only due to the crappy looks of the dashboard plus all the WP logos which kind of break the experience of being on my website, right? There was a plugin which did that but it hasn´t been updated to WP 3.5.1 and it might never be.

    Just in case you guys don´t have enough work to attend already 😉 I wish I could help but that code is like Chinese language to me.



    I agree with BeautyPirate – it would be great if the user backend pages were included in the template pack. I know that’s quite a bit of work, but it would make it much more user friendly.



    As far as I got that a template pack will no longer be necessary in BP 1.7.

    That´s the big deal now, it´s becoming absolutely theme independent and therefore will work out of the box on EVERY wordpress theme. (That has the “the_content call”, of course.)

    So actually, giving BP it´s own Login and profile editing pages wont be as much work as it would be with the previous versions. Also a page where users can manage their post comment subscriptions would be great. Ask me, I might have another 400 ideas here 😉



    I just uploaded the latest TRAC version, but it looks like somebody forgot to add a save settings button to the components settings.



    Ignore that, I just added an older trac version, and for some reason it doesn’t show on there either, so must be my site.



    any word on when this will be available to update via WordPress? dashboard isn’t prompting me … (yet)



    hello, do you make iphone/android apps for BP that would allow photo uploads etc from the users phone etc.?



    Thank you very much. đoc truyện tại đây nhé



    Looks to be heading in the right direction.

    But we need a REPLY and POST button at the top of the forum along with the BOTTOM one LOL




    Excited to see the introduction of bp_user_query to speed things up. +1 to the developers



    When will this version be released?




    traditonnal answer is: when it’s ready ! 😉
    Tech answer always on the Trac/roadmap:

    Maybe a question of hours or days now.



    Maybe today. Maybe not today; some of the team are travelling later and might not have time. But Soon!



    @djpaul Looking forward to the new release! It looks great, good work as always. 🙂



    The suspense of the release keeps it exciting! LOL! 🙂



    HI, I upgraded to 1.7 the other day and I noticed that I can no longer crop avatar images no matter which browser I use. It just shows up as 2 static images. Anyone else have this bug?



    thnx for the vid, Boone rocks!



    Hmm..Boone is much younger and totally not bald…than his avatar leads one to believe…



    @sooskriszta going off-topic. Boone is blond (not white hair) and not even balding, lol. see



    Handsome devil indeed. But his avatar here (the one with one eye) gives the impression that he’s a balding 35-year old). LOL.

    Anyway, where’s my guacomole?

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