WordPress 3.1
So WordPress 3.1 has just been launched, I was interested in when Buddypress 1.3 is expected and any experiences/thoughts anyone has about the new updates.
I can see the admin bar is already something that currently clash, although I saw some comments on work arounds for that.
I would not upgrade on a live site until you get an official statement from the BP dev team.
@modemlooper most definitely not – although I did hit upgrade on a dev site and unsurprisingly it broke it, I can’t see the new sparkly dashboard – but I can see the admin bar!
This isn’t going to be a simple upgrade…not just for us BP users. Reading through the list of changes, there are a lot of potential plugin conflicts. Probably best a wait a couple of weeks.
Can you share the work arounds for getting rid of the admin bar? It is covering my buddypress bar. Ugh!
/* Disable the WP 3.1 Admin Bar. ( http://yoast.com/disable-wp-admin-bar/ ) */
add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’ );
in functions.phpBuddyPress will be updated later today to account for changes in WP 3.1.
In the meantime, if you have upgraded your live site and are unexpectedly missing the BP admin bar, use the code provided by aces above.
@boonebgorges great, thanks, I look forward to it
I warn that BP may get upgraded but all those extra plugins may break.
The changes that have been made in BP 1.2.8 are very, very unlikely to break any plugins. It’s possible that some of the changes in WP 3.1 will break some BP plugins, though I don’t know of any plugins where that is the case (and I have been running 3.1 in my test installs for quite some time).
Just warning as people use WP plugins on BP sites and there are a ton of outdated plugins in the repo. I had a couple plugins break in 3.1.
You should always re-test plugins before upgrading BP or WP on a live site.
This just terrifies me.
You should always test *any* upgrade of *any* type in a development or test environment. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever put untested code into production! A word to the wise
I got 106 plugins.
I got 99 problems.
I just upgraded my wordpress site, and my site turned up no problems so far ya-hoo!
Just updated my site to 3.1 and 1.2.8. The only thing i can notice up to now is that i´ve lost the plugin config links that appeared under the buddypress menu tab. Any idea on how to fix this?
Thanks all.Those links should come back when the plugin authors update their plugins to be compatible with 3.1
Reporting same issue as Andrés Richero on my localhost with 3.1 and BP 1.28. Missing Buddypress dashboard menu items for BP plugins. Site works, but.
It’s so tempting to press that button (those update messages really nag at you), but I’m going to hold off until I have tested all my plugins and have a good window of time in case something goes wrong
If you can’t see the menu links, if you’re using multisite, you’ll need to be sure that you’re looking at the network dashboard.
I made the upgrade for test and the menu didn’t show the plugins configs.
Also, the home just didn’t show anything, I think ir really better waiting for some days/weeks to make a safe upgradeMy aproach seems to be a little too systematic – however I would like to ask if there is a comprehensive online listing of all buddypress plugins and their compatibility issues – with WP 3.x and among each others? This could be just one big table, however I could not find anything like this. I am not talking about the “works / work not” thing at the WP plugin site – it should be something more overviewable and it would be great to have an API so plugins could check for dependencies and compatibility issues. Is there anything like this?
== a comprehensive online listing of all buddypress plugins and their compatibility issues – with WP 3.x and among each others ==
That would a great BP community project if members could/would submit their lists of compatible/incompatible BP plugins. Also would be great if someone could check code of current BP plugins if these were updated to meet this http://bpdevel.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/updating-your-buddypress-plugins-for-1-2-8/
it would be cool if at the very least, something like what Andy Peatling came up with before for previously released BP plugins when BP 1.2 rolled out.
WP.org Forums has some Troubleshooting Tips for those who have issues after upgrading to WP 3.1
https://wordpress.org/support/topic/troubleshooting-wordpress-31-master-listIt has broke my bbpress forums…. and even when I’ve made some changes to have bbpress ready to install, it throws me to dashboard when trying to install bbpres… ****!
// edited for language
– hnla
I blithely upgraded WP to 3.1 and now find the following problems with forums:
New BP groups don’t have a “forum” link on their home page. BP groups created before the WP 3.1 upgrade have the “forum” link but it generates a “URL not found” message.
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