Forum Replies Created
Yep, I’m struggling with a similar issue. Just moved a dev site onto a live server for testing. Everything worked fine on my local machine but now all the forum stuff appears to be redirect straight to the homepage.
A massive help yet again. Thanks Roger for taking the time to answer these questions.
Well Its a bit messy, but I’m trying to re-engineer the meta part of the entry, so I’ll be using it in a few places like
`<a class="activity-avatar" title="”
href=”” title=”user name here”>`
To add the username as a title on the Avatar, so it shows on mouseover. And
<a class="author" href="”> said:`
As a prefix to the post content. Then I’m moving the rest of the meta data to the bottom of the post so I can drop the opacity of it since its less important.I was hoping that “ would fix it, apparently not, it just shows the ID number still.
Seems a bizzarre way around it? if I can use `bp_activity_user_id()` to get the id of the user that posted the item why isn’t there a ‘bp_activity_user_nicename()’ or something similar?
Anyway, I’ll look into your suggestion on both this and the other topic you’ve replied to, thanks.
Yep, works a charm. Big Thanks.
I wasn’t getting anything with the in_array (must’ve had brackets in the wrong place or something) and then started thinking that the array call in the function up top would do that bit?
Again, thanks.
I’m still trying to get this working, an array seems the best way, like you said, but I have no idea on how to code it properly. The documentation for php always seems to go over my head.
This is what I have so far.
$special = array(“General”, “Community”);
if ( bp_get_group_name() == $special ) ?>
/*special group*//*none special group*/
`But thats not working. Any ideas?
I would recommend this as a great place to start looking into child themes. Its not advisable to edit the default theme, since your changes could be overwritten if/when you update your buddypress plugin.
For a quick a dirty change however you’ll need to change some values in the default.css file which can be found in wp-content / plugins / buddypress / bp-themes / bp-default / _inc / css / default.css
Your looking for ‘font-size:’ under body and h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6.
Hope that helps.
This should be a CSS change, your probably best to use a something like firebug ( a plugin for Firefox ) to locate the attributes that need changing and then searching for them within the stylesheet your site is using.
Without knowing how much you’ve changed or whether your using a child theme its difficult to say where specifically you’d need to look.
Cheers Roger, I’ll look at that.
I’m totally up on my php so could someone help with converting this into an ‘if’ ‘else’ statement that allows for multiple group names rather than just one.
So far I’ve got this
if(bp_get_group_name() != ‘Community’ ) : if(bp_get_group_name() != ‘General’ ) : if(bp_get_group_name() != ‘Off Topic’ ) :but I need to endif 3 times which surely isn’t the best way. And also I can get an else in there.
To put some context around this, I plan on having a number of groups for forums only, and new members will automatically be added to them, so I plan on hiding the item-header and nav section on these group pages and show a new
in there instead. Then when they are removed from the groups page and widgets they’ll only be accessible through the forums.
I’ve used Facestream on a few test installs, but I’m struggling with it now, I get a white blank screen after activating and the only way back is to remove the plugin from the folder so that its forced to deactivate? Any suggestions?
Yeah, that works great Rich, and is what dennis is looking for. We get alot of fast moving conversations on our site and the view first unread option would be fantastic in helping users stick with conversation easier.
Cheers @finni3
Of course it does, I’ll take a look there and see if there are any clues. Cheers @dennis_h
Just looked, I suppose the problem is that the #link in activity is fixed to the message its attached to, what I’m looking for is more complicated, because it needs to understand what the user has seen and output a link to the first new post. My struggle continues.Right, so how can I find this Andy fellow then
Whats his user name on here?
Its quite frustrating that this feature is used on this, the platforms official website, and yet I can’t find anyone that knows how its done?
I just want to be able to add another tab that sorts new forum posts/topics by group, just like this page help would be appreciated.
I’ve just realised your probably referring to his plugin that adds the little icons, unfortunately thats all it does, lights up the topics with new posts in them, I’m after a direct link to the first new post in any given topic, rather than the current options which are the first or the last.
Any more ideas out there?
The frontend action needs to look like this
remove_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘bp_core_admin_bar’, 8 );
The backend one from above works.
Thanks for popping in, no luck with searching
record the user’s last viewed post
last view post
last post seen
last read
first unreadNo luck?
Any ideas?bump
Really interested in this if your still developing, it would be nicer to add a class for me, rather than the icons. And the mark as read is a good idea. When I first turned it on, all the posts we’re lit up, so presumably all users will see this, and will probably not want to go through and mark as read.
Maybe set everything as read upon activation?