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  • BP group forums require a seperate working install of BBPress.

    You can’t with this plugin (yet?). This plugin is only really for user authentication and inital setup.

    I don’t think there is a way around this.

    BP uses the WPMU user accounts. If you have deleted the user account in question, they won’t be able to log in. You could check the DB to confirm that.

    Only other thing I can think of is if you are using caching and it has not refrenshed yet. Some BP widgets’ content is generated when it happens. E.g. The “recent activity” block – if you want to clear that one out, you’ll find it in a DB table.

    Yes you will have to edit the theme. Look at index.php in one of the standard wp themes, copy the main loop out and put it into the bp home theme’s. Home.php

    Ah it is a known bug. Check out ticket 257 on the trac. Seems to have a patch attached, not sure if it has been applied to the trunk yet.

    Oh, and it is worth noting that any changes you make to the timezone won’t be retrospectively applied to the old activity. You’ll have to test if your changes are working with new activity.

    Have you checked the timezone setting in the WPMU settings?

    Was resolved early on. Thanks.

    Ah, I know you can get Twitter > Facebook, I use it. Not sure about the other way around.

    Reading the above please would someone clarify what “username” BP thinks it ends up with? Using urls of like /members/facebookuser1…100/ isn’t ideal. Also what happens if the profile is private? At work at the mo so can’t test – thanks

    WordPress has had a patch submitted for this imagejpeg() thing and it’s already been added into the source, so future releases (and therefore future releases of WPMU) should let us use our filter. Hurrah!

    You can hook into it with the bp_nav_items action (see bp-core-templatetags.php line 535), though that function is marked as deprecated and that “you should put these navigation items in your template header.php for easy editing.” So, for now, take your pick.

    I’d go about this by making State a required profile field, and by hooking into the wpmu_activate_user action (triggers once a user *activates* their account). Depends on what exactly you want to do with regards to your notifications, but this should give you a starting place.

    I have tried looking, can’t find it, which is why i’m coming here hoping someone else knows where it is.

    The bp_blogs_new_blog_activity doesn’t put the actual timestamp into the message – that’s obviously done at runtime so that the “updated X hours ago” message is updated appropiately. The %s I mentioned is actually stored in the database like that so it goes through a sprintf()… somewhere.

    Sounds like Try applying that change and seeing what happens. It won’t update “old” activity, but should apply to ongoing activity.

    Good idea, thanks. Done it.

    OK, so this is a core WordPress setting. It’s in /wp-admin/includes/image.php – specifically, the call to imagejpeg on line 71. has an optional third argument $quality. It defaults to 75 (0 being worse, 100 being best). If urgent I suggest changing this file for the interim.

    Elsewhere in WordPresss, /wp-includes/media.php, we have this:

    If (!imagejpeg( $newimage, $destfilename, apply_filters( 'jpeg_quality', $jpeg_quality ) ) )
    return new WP_Error('resize_path_invalid', __( 'Resize path invalid' ));

    I’ll put a ticket on the WordPress trac to see if we can get this filter added to the call in image.php.

    *EDIT*: this is a core WordPress file, not MU.

    The actual code lives in a SVN repository. Keeping up to date with the latest version is called the “trunk.”. Be aware the SVN trunk may at any point be very buggy or just plain broken – after all it is not a proper release.

    Refer to the BP download page for the SVN CO path. If you’re migrating from the RCx builds I suggest you SVN CO in to a new folder, copy your config and anything custom across from your current install directory, and then replace your “old” BP install with the SVN copy. You can then use this command in future to update your SVN copy to the current version: svn update

    I have this bug. FWIW I use safari/leopard.

    Grab an example function from that page and put it in a new file on your webserver and see if it sends you a test email.

    Not allowing user to choose a password is a WPMU “feature.”. Suggest you look at their forums as I can imagine this being a fairly common request.

    If your BP install is not emailing a password, check that your server has a working MTA installed and that PHP is configured for it correctly in php.ini.

    Perhaps your members/ path is conflicting with the rewrite in the htaccess.

    The install type is a wpmu setting. Suggest you ask this at their forums.

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