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@justbishop happy to hear that
@mistercyril Don’t know exactly would it help with BP SEO – because don’t use it myself but… I suppose that using BP special tags for head section would make sense in this case. You can check them in bp-default theme.
In particular use following tags inside the
tag of header.php in your theme
<title><?php bp_page_title() ?></title>
– to generate page title
<?php do_action( 'bp_head' ) ?>
– hook to add some usefull BP head routine
<?php wp_head(); ?>
– the standard WP header hooksorry for the delay with reply
as far as I can see WP 3.0 default uploads paths are a bit different from WPMU 2.9.2
but in your case it may be enough to correct paths in my filtersin particulat in filter
$url = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'siteurl' ) . "/wp-content/uploads/";
instead of
$url = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'siteurl' ) . "/files/";
if it does not help – that would mean that WP 3.0 differently handle option upload_path (I still have no time to go deeply in WP 3.0 development – so simply don’t know for sure). In this case the most simple solution is to hardcode your upload path in my filter
change the partABSPATH . get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'upload_path' );
into the absolute server path to the upload folder.P.S. Impressed with BP implementation in your site – interesting idea and realization
@poolie , @Anthony, @kasper777ny, @nahummadrid – thanks to you all… happy to know that this piece of code works for you
@justbishop actually it’s difficult to say what exactly could be wrong (I’m not a coding expert unfortunately
– but probably you can provide me with a link to your site
I’ll try to check@justbishop I also use the subdirectories – so filters should be OK in this case
but probably you have some custom avatar upload path or constant BP_ROOT_BLOG is not defined in your installation?
another possible reason – the function that fetch avatars for members blogs does not use bp_core_fetch_avatar() but some other mechanismIf it’s still actual – I have a temporary solution
This problem occurs because in 1.2.4 has been change the approach to how the avatars paths constract – now the BP rely on wp_upload_dir() function. That is pretty well on single-site installation or in the root blog of multisite installation (at least at wp 2.9.2) but in users blog (not root) it returns the wrong path. That’s why if you use bp-powered avatars in user-blogs (not main) you see the gravatar instead.
For my installation I’ve written two filters to fix this (please grab the code below and put it into your bp-custom.php) – they are tested with WPMU 2.9.2 (subdirectories) and BP 1.2.4 with default upoad path (for example for member avatar it should be – path to wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/user_id/avatar-file.jpg)
function nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct($path){
if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
$path = ABSPATH . get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'upload_path' );
return $path;
add_filter('bp_core_avatar_upload_path', 'nfm_bp_avtar_upload_path_correct', 1);
function nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct($url){
if ( bp_core_is_multisite() ){
$url = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'siteurl' ) . "/files";
return $url;
add_filter('bp_core_avatar_url', 'nfm_bp_avatar_upload_url_correct', 1);
Hope, that would help
Speaking of usability – I’ve also notices that end users are quite confused to have let us say two admin interfaces: one is WP native admin to manage blog posts and second is admin area of BP-powered components (profiles and groups).
So the closer integration between WP and BP from this point of view would be appreciated I think.
Does anybody know if it’s already a known issue with activity stream in BP 1.2-final – content that loaded by clicking “more” button (through AJAX I suppose) completely untranslatable (buttons like Reply, Favorite, delete links, “more” button itself etc.). At least at my particular installation. Did anyone experience the same problem? Should it be reported?
I’m not so good in AJAX so I’m relying on default theme and could not provide the sufficient feedback on that, but it seems that some text are hardcoded in JS and didn’t affected by texdomain file.
I’ve browsed trac tickets – there’re some concerning the i18n issues but not exactly this as it seems to me.
P.S. @jjj
That’s the great news – about the user language settings – it seems the most appreciated feature in multilingual communities. But is it possible to share some concept – what will it look like and how will itl be integrated with WP internationalization?
I’m asking because I’m developing a plugin that provide this language setting functionality for registered users… and despite that my code is not as nearly perfect as yours I’d be happy to help somehow or al least I’d like to know that my own work is not going in completely wrong direction… thanks in advance
I do it all the time (praying)
@David Lewis
I’ve me the similar problem when WP+BP instaltion is not in the root folder of the server.. but in folder called “blog”
And only changing the home blog slug make things work… I’ve not actually found what exactly caused that.. probably something in the url rewriting mechanism – so this is just the note ^)
Just like to say that I very much appreciate Mark’s remark about roadmap updating to inform developers about core-team plans.
Even if you’re not working on complicated and time consuming feature/plugin etc. but running any BP site you’re always dealing with the community of your users. They may also demand some features or functionaly and it’s a good thing to know what you can expect from core-team and when before you run into hacking
I’m working on the child theme as well and I was really “impressed” with that code in home.php
I agree with you that for the actual site there is too small option to have only activity stream or blog bosts on the homepage… so I put my own home.php that has all my staff in the child-theme directory and it overrides completely the home page behaviour…
That probably is not the perfect solution, but probably it will work for you
Ok. I’ve reported it… and it surely was 1.2-beta, I’ve stated it in the ticket. I’m quite new to all this bug-reporting stuff so was not sure what to do
I’m testing this plugin on WPMU 2.8.4 + BP trunk r1893 and I’ve noticed that the users actions on events (like for example creation of new event) make no trace in user activity.
I’m not sure that it’s not a problem of my particular instalation. But in case it’s true lack of feature are you planning to add this functionality in future?
Just like to say that I’ve experienced the same problem as Robert with new 1.1 beta having my WPMU installed in no-root folder and with subdirectory variant.
I just hope that fixes Andy was speaking about would affect such case too.
Apart from that I like the new version very much and new template system also despite the fact that I have completly rewritten my customized templates
I have another task for this case: I have friends component disabled and would like to skip the invitation step during group creation whithout show “group-invites” screen to user (because this screen does not make sence in such case and confuse users) .
Could somebody advice me how that could be achived in proper way?
I’m runnig the trunk version ( in BP 1.0.3 I have the same issue in my to-do list) where new Group API allows to add new step – but I can not get how to remove the existing one.
To Mariusooms
I’d just like to said thank you very much for the great job with this plugin. That was exactly what I need… I was considering my chances to write something similar myself when found your plugin. That was great help. Thank you