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Forum Replies Created

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  • I have replied to an other ticket of yours.

    It seems your using custom themes (based on your previous ticket) and may have some collisions as Andy has pointed out.

    I recommend posting your theme code and we the community will be better able to help you.

    No stopping you from doing that.

    In the end it ‘is only a theme’.

    The only negative factors (and I have experience with this) is any time there are issues or changes done to the ‘parent’ theme you either have to merge or your done for.


    Try these pointers

    – Try and use the intended function in the same manner as the stock theme. To make sure everything works.

    – Understand that forums and topics must exist to be filtered, much like any of the status filters for widgets such as the latest user/group activities.

    – Try using ‘groups_get_by_most_forum_topics()’ function directly in your custom function.

    – Start debugging, turn debugging flags on for your environment, start to modify the source and see whats going on.

    This function helps provide the ‘Latest Forum Topics’ list of topics which is default; part of the parent theme on the forum index page.

    For your help:

    Here is the case breakout of the types

    switch ( $type ) {

    case 'active': default:

    $this->groups = groups_get_active( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'alphabetical': default:

    $this->groups = groups_get_alphabetically( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'random':

    $this->groups = groups_get_random_groups( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'newest':

    $this->groups = groups_get_newest( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'popular':

    $this->groups = groups_get_popular( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'most-forum-topics':

    $this->groups = groups_get_by_most_forum_topics( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );


    case 'most-forum-posts':

    $this->groups = groups_get_by_most_forum_posts( $this->pag_num, $this->pag_page );



    As you can see, if specifying ‘most-forum-topics’ it runs:


    From there it does a straight up dynamic select to the database to get the forum data.

    I’m on holiday myself. Know that there are a few tickets with my name on them.

    But I need a break from 70hr weeks…

    I know all the BP guys work hard!

    Back to sleep, Zzzz….

    These screen captures have been out for a bit.

    To set the record straight this is completely doable for BP. Our custom theme is similar to this.

    My team has seen what Anahita can do. It’s a good setup and code base.

    The code is clear, theming is not that difficult.

    Having said that we declined a partnership and instead put our contributions toward the Buddypress and automattic stack because of the community which exists today.

    A community with plugins, themes, and developers that are never hard to reach.

    Of course it would be nice if Matt would maybe lend some help to Andy (dedicated BP) because with any competing product comes comparisons and bigger wishlists.

    Even though BP just came out with 1.1.1 it still feels like things are just starting to warm up. Anahita has a ways to go to get here.

    (from my iPhone, sorry if this doesn’t make sense.)

    Jason Giedymin


    I’ll test this for you tonight :-D

    Jason Giedymin


    I had typed a response via my iPhone but alas I didn’t login via the bottom link…

    Sorry for the late response.

    In regards to the avatar situation (lets start with this) I’d like to know these two things: (this looks like some kind of test! Ha!)

    Q1: Where does the rendered <img> tag point to? If you do an HTML page source on the web-page what is the URL link to the image pointing to?

    Q2: When you look up that location on the server does it exist? It may and still not work, and it may not in which case you could ‘make’ it look like the link above.

    No cheating now!

    Waiting to see what your getting…

    Jason Giedymin


    There is some hate in that linky, wow!

    Jason Giedymin


    If you can verify on and it’s still bugged out you can open a new ticket referencing this one:

    If the sent messages are still bugged by all means re-open it. :-D

    Jason Giedymin


    Will bbpress plug-ins work with the integrated version or external only?

    Jason Giedymin


    He’s saying that it could be a PHP error causing the issue and to check your error logs. Usually at this point it could be anything.

    I think your next task is do a search on here and mu.wordpress to find out how to enable error logs, logging in general for your particular setup.

    Jason Giedymin


    I guess the really important thing I have to keep on reminding myself is that tagging really is that much more important now (with regard to groups).

    Jason Giedymin


    I haven’t done a thorough check, but what about BBPress Direct Access (as pointed out by Andy) and BBPress plugins?

    Jason Giedymin


    I’d like to add that for us we also restart our http server process, your PHP processes, your cache server, and browser cache/cookies. This is to get as clean a start as possible in conjunction with what Jeff has said.

    May also help you too…

    Jason Giedymin


    I want to point out that if you have a highly customized site, you may want to start fresh and then port over piece by piece. The end result will be the same, that you’ll accomplish your goals but the process will be smoother and faster. Strictly from a down-time, money is time, point of view… at least this is what I’m experiencing…

    Jason Giedymin


    Are you saying that after logging at

    and right on the homepage, the admin-bar is slow?

    Give me some URLs and some user blogs that are fast from

    I believe you guys, just send me some URLs.

    Jason Giedymin


    Most everything he wants seems like there is source behind it, and just needs testing. I’ve split my time 20/80, with 20% on 1.1 and 80% on 1.2.

    Jason Giedymin


    Patches Recap (Project SSL):

    A lot depends on 1111 and 1107.

    It introduces ‘force_ssl_content’ and I think everything under the sun can use it.

    If 1111 goes through you might as well add ‘Securing Buddypress’ to the roadmap, let R-A-Y, the gang and myself loose on this task.

    Jason Giedymin


    Deferring ticket # 979 until MU Ticket # 1111 is passed, in case anyone was following that ticket (gets your Buddypress gravatars to use https).

    Jason Giedymin


    Added an additional patch and Function for MU.

    Would be nice if we could have it…

    Will be used for BP as a filter, as shown in trac notes.

    Patches Recap (Project SSL):


    Jason Giedymin


    I don’t know what happened to my post, it became unreadable.

    You need the hashes, cookie domains, cookie hashes, etc…

    There are tons of posts on that you’ll be able to use.

    Also, don’t forget about the integration plug-in. It will help you out.

    Jason Giedymin


    DJPaul is right, you need to complete your integration. You’ll need to do than copy the defines over. For reference, what version are you using?

    Jason Giedymin


    DJPaul is right, you need to complete your integration. You’ll need to do than copy the defines over. For reference, what version are you using?

    Jason Giedymin


    @DJPaul: I agree with you DJPaul, and I’m a hardened OSS supporter. If the ‘fees’ are small I feel like it’s more of a donation and I’m ok with them. I would be completely against things if the cost was more. But hey, people are allowed to make money from WordPress and it puts food one many people’s tables.

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