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  • @mark211


    Oh, I forgot to mention its works and doesn’t work intermittently.



    Just as an update, its not working in IE anymore so I tried deactivating all the plugins, uninstalling Buddypress, rebooting the server and reinstalling buddypress with no plug-ins active and I still had the same issue with the links not loading. I know it’s not the theme because my theme works fine on my test site. Any other ideas? Maybe its is a php, javascirpt or ajax issue or memory leak of some kind? I’m not sure what is used to make those links load. Any more help is very appreciated.



    Hi guys, thanks for the help. The my sql was set to 150, they raised it to 200 but it didn’t work. I spoke with my hosting company and they don’t think its a php memory problem either. My error log had a lot of errors that end on the 12th for tdo mini forms but none for the past couple of days. I did notice the problem occurs in firefox 3.6.13 and safari but strangely enough everything works fine in Internet explorer 8. The site is if you want to check it out.



    @hnla, Understood, but I did look through the forums already and had no luck, I also posted about this issue a few weeks ago and thought it got resolved but it didn’t so instead of re-posting the same problem over I replied in my original post to try not to make any duplicate postings. As for this particular thread I probably should of just sent a message to mike to see if he found an answer.



    I’m having similar issues. Did you resolve your problem?



    @mercime. I’m having that problem again. I’m using Linux server, Buddypress 1.2.6, WordPress MU 3.01, Apache version 2..2.9 and PHP version 5.2.6. My sql 5.0.51a-community. I’m using a VPS. My traffic isn’t that high at this time so it shouldn’t be an issue with traffic spikes.

    I’ve increased the memory limit in the wp-config.php file by adding define (‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’);

    I’ve increased it in .htaccess by adding php_value memory_limit 256M

    I’ve also increased it in my Php.ini file.

    Any other ideas?



    @mercime thanks I’ll see if he can help me with this.



    Making the changes to the WP-Config seemed to work. Thanks for the help!



    @janis It seems to be the avatar of the blog so if you have multiple blogs you can have different avatars for each blog. I’ve been going nuts trying to figure out how to upload a new avatar for each blog so it doesn’t look generic but I haven’t figured it out yet. If the monitors of this thread know please let me know. Also, In regards to the latest post you just need to adjust the CSS on the style sheet of the theme you are using.



    Go to super admin, click on user, then go the the user you want to edit and click edit for the appropriate blog that you want to change the user’s role on, it then takes you to the site management where you can change the role of that one user or other users under that blog. There is also a plugin called multisite user management which give even more control among blogs.



    @Travel-junkie. Thanks for the fast reponse. Unfortunately I dont know Php. If you are willing to email where to make the changes in the appropriate files and what code to replace it with, I would then go ahead an purchase it today.



    @Travel-Junkie Is the time/date picker friendly for US? For example is it available in the format month/day/year and a 12 hour clock? Please let me know asap.




    The ability to attach a flier would be nice. Also, the ability to sync events into Facebooks via API or something, if that possible?



    @ vee_bee Hi Vee_bee Do you have the code? i’m having the same problem



    Thanks everyone, I’ll send this thread along to my programmer and get his thoughts.



    @rogercoathup Thanks for the info. I’ll try the some other forums for the other issue.



    @rogercoathup no I didn’t change the slug or the default text. I’m not a developer and wasn’t 100% sure how to change the slug. I looked at the wp-config.php but it looks a lot different than Andy’s example on BP org I read. Would I change it under wp-config still? Andy’s posting is from 09. I will go ahead and change the default text. I’ll do anything to keep those bot ******* away. lol. So far Ive been good with the two plugins even though it looks like overkill to my visitors.
    Side note. I’m having a problem with viewing status on my activity feed. When someone joins the site or posts a notification and I go to click on view next to the notification, the page it takes my to has issues with the theme. I assume it has to do with my themes template file?. here’s the snipit of code View Any thoughts on how to fix it? Thanks.



    FYI, I deleted the register.php file in bbpress last night and I had another 7 spam accounts in the morning so that didn’t work for me. I then installed humanity this morning and I’m using it with the si captcha plugin and the two combined seem to be ok so far. I’ll keep you guys posted.



    @DJpaul, @hnla Thanks for the feedback. I agree the username would probably be appropriate, but I’m guessing a lot of webmasters like myself would like to be able to edit it to be seo friendly for their site even though alt attributes might not be originally designed for that purpose. It is very common for webmasters who understand seo to change the alt in images in order to drive traffic via google images and also to help in keyword placement because some weight is given to those.



    @DJPaul Hi Paul, i hope all is going great. My acitvity feed is set as my home page and I noticed under my google webmaster tools that “Avatar” is now the keyword google sees the most. Is there any harm in changing the Alt tags in the urls to = something seo friendly instead of alt = “avatar image”? Please let me know. Thanks,



    @jeffsayre, I’m using 2.9.2 MU and the latest version of buddypress. Are they compatible with the featured members plugin? Also, what are the IDs for the members, is it referring to the usernames?. Thanks,



    @phylliskhare do you know what plugin? I’m having a problem where with my site where you cant register if you dont have all lower case letters and you can’t have any spaces. Which is rough since people can’t add their last name without a space. Please let me know thanks



    @Kunalb, I’m glad to hear that you will be working on an events plugin. Buddypress is in deperate need of one. Do you know when you will have it finished roughly?



    @techguy Do you happen to know how to make the most recent avatars widget pictures the same size as it is in this sidebar? I’m not a programmer and for some reason on my site the pictures for this widget are larger than what is shown here and I can’t seem to find any setting to change the size on the dashboard. Is this something that my programmer needs to do with CSS or something?



    HI, I’m using your Buddypress links plugin which I think is great but the only issue I have is that the ”Links” Link which is automatically added to the nav bar for my site also adds it to my subdomains which would be fine if it pointed the link on the subdomains to like it does on the main domain. Instead on the subdomains it points to which displays a page not found error. -I’m using wordpress mu 2.9.2, the latest buddypress install and Buddypress links Version 0.4.1. Any thoughts on how to fix it or is the versions I’m running not compatible? I tried activating the pluin both site wide and not site wide and it happens in both cases. I appreciate any feedback.


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