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BP-FBConnect Plugin

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  • @trent


    Thanks for working on this Andy! I noticed that it managed to create my user on my site 4 times. Maybe it has something to do with the wp-super-cache integration or the fact that I wasn’t already logged into Facebook when I tried it on my site. I was logged into facebook and it worked perfect on




    Hmm – pretty strange, sounds like your cookie checks went a bit wonky. It could well be cache related. Let’s wait and see if anyone else has problems with that.



    The test site is acting a bit odd when I login with my Facebook account. It thinks my profile is which belongs to a Trent Adams. Trying to view settings redirects back to, as does trying to logout through the top grey toolbar.

    I’ve restricted my facebook profile quite a bit so maybe its relying on information facebook isn’t providing.



    clompers: There was a little bug I found, but it’s fixed now and was causing your issue. Try logging in again, and you should get a new unique username. If you don’t have a public facing profile on Facebook, it won’t pull your name.



    Yep, it made a facebookuser2 when I logged in, which I can actually edit. Thanks for the prompt response!



    If someone has already created an account at a particular site, how will the integration work afterward. I wouldn’t want a new account, but maybe I would like to login with my facebook account. I would want the original account I signed up with, I wouldn’t like to create a new one, right?



    famous: It won’t unfortunately. If you already have an account, you’ll have to use that unless you delete it and start a new one. One step at a time. :)



    Andy. WoooW, I tested it on the demo site, good stuff !!!! we need now is adapting kaltura plugin (media plugin) for BP!!!



    Reading the above please would someone clarify what “username” BP thinks it ends up with? Using urls of like /members/facebookuser1…100/ isn’t ideal. Also what happens if the profile is private? At work at the mo so can’t test – thanks



    andy i made a draft plugin that slug-ize the name on fb like Nicola Greco -> nicola-greco and check in the db if this name is already in use

    anyway cool work andy :)



    Andy, thanks for working on this – it was previously discussed but didn’t seem to go anywhere.

    Obviously you’re just working at getting basic functionality into it, but I thought I’d paste my featurelist from the other topic, to see whether you would consider building these features in at some point:

    For me, a good feature set would be:

    * On the signup page have a ‘Create an account using your Facebook details’ button so that information is already added when the users account is created.

    * For existing users, a button they can press to connect their accounts up.

    * New events on the BuddyPress site to be published on their Facebook account. So, what you would normally have on their profiles ‘Activity’ area, posted onto Facebook. Eg, “John created a new group on The BuddyPress Demo Site”.

    * This activity ‘syncing’ can be configured from the users settings page on BuddyPress, so they can turn off activity updates.

    * In the same settings page, the user can choose to either use their Facebook avatar, or their BuddyPress one

    * Have a page like, and having the ability to ‘Invite your Facebook friends to BuddyPress Demo Site’, would be great.

    Cheers, I’ll be testing out the current version ASAP.



    Your username will be your full name if you have a public profile on Facebook. If you do not have a public profile then it will be facebookuserX – pretty simple really.



    @hempsworth, I think the scope of this plugin for right now is really just getting the initial sign-up/login functionality down. Creating a virtual link between facebook and BuddyPress, while a cool idea, is actually quite a task considering the complexity of fbl.

    After speaking with Andy last night, part of the problem comes from how Facebook locks down your profile if it’s set to be private (which I’m willing to bet a majority are these days.) If your profile is private, all you get is the facebook user_id, and that’s it.

    As far as having the feeds sync up, it would take an active facebook plugin to feed info to both places from both directions. It is a great idea though. I personally wish my Facebook would update my twitter and vice versa.



    Ah, I know you can get Twitter > Facebook, I use it. Not sure about the other way around.



    It’s a totally great start – Andy, you are still THE GURU :-)

    But for me, what hempsworth is stating is even more important then the login possibility. If some Gurus could take Andys work further, it would be GREAT. FOr me it would be perfect, if people could connect afterwards their account with facebook, and the admin could choose, if he want’s to connect with a facebook-login or afterwards (after greating a normal BP-User).

    For my project I don’t want people greating accounts without the required fields. But I nedd a great facebook-connection!

    Just some thoughts… sadly I am not able to code it… :(



    I tried to install it on my server but I couldn’t even activate the plugin – fatal error. I am using trunk 1179. With a german internalization.

    Any ideas?



    Andy, lost here. I uploaded the plugin, activated it, posted the api’s…

    Confused–why do I put this in the comments “<?php do_action(‘fbc_display_login_button’) ?>”?

    Where do I put the facebook login button–code?

    I though I would put, “<?php do_action(‘fbc_display_login_button’) ?>” in the header somewhere not comments.php?

    And although I did put it in the comments.php I don’t see it in the header anywhere? My header has been changed from the template–is there some kind of code I have to reinsert to see the button? Thanks for your feedback…



    famous: if you have the latest trunk version, you do not need to do anything, I’ve taken care of the button posting code with hooks. It should auto add the Facebook Connect button to your search-signup bar in the header.



    Is it possible to allow the user to change the site’s slug from facebookuser9 or whatever to their actual name once they edit their information? Or will this always make the slug facebookuserX?

    It’s an awesome plugin by the way! Just wondering if there’s any way around the slug issue?

    @Nicola: Would you be willing to post your plugin somewhere?



    or maybe something that makes the slug for private profiles the user’s email address name prior to the @symbol….ie would create a benny148148 slug…and somebody who signs up on a later date with would get benny1481482 as their slug, or something similar.

    Not sure how difficult this would be…assuming it’s even possible at all. It would definitely be prettier than the facebookuserX…of course, we’ll probably never be happy :D

    Thanks again for this plugin!



    No, because Facebook does not give you access to user’s email address.

    It’s not possible to change your member slug right now, but it could be possible in the future. Not important enough at the moment though.



    fair enough, thanks for the quick response.



    How do we make this work on a custom theme?



    This is no doubt a dumb question but I need to ask: where, exactly, is the Facebook login button/option/page?

    Both logged in and logged out, I have looked all over and but cannot spot it.



    Hmmm….I just installed the plugin and am getting the setting page. I have already set up the proper facebook API Key and Secret and am not seeing anything….

    Is it because I am running RC1?

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