Sounds about right. I would like to know the same thing. Looks like I’ll be going through the forums today to start getting into the nitty gritty of BP.
yeah, I am also looking for having the user-registration within the SideBar at the right.
Is there a Plugin to have this as Widget being put into the SideBar ?
Any solution would be very much appreciated.
That would be cool !
Hast anybody tried to either:
1. copy
and paste it to home.php or page template and make it static page
2. create home.php or create a page template and add this
edit – tried every which way to post it —- locate_template …. array … registration/registration.php …. true
Seems like this should work:
-Create a Child Theme:
-Copy the file in the default BP theme folder/registration/register.php and save it in your new child theme folder as a page template (or you could just overwrite the index.php)
-Create a New Page that uses that page template
-Go to Settings–>Reading and set the new page you created as a “Static Page”
I saw a plugin to do a sidebar registration for WordPress a while back, but I’m not sure if it works for BP or not.
Take a look at my dev site with a concept you might like. Sorta speaks to what you’re talking about…I think:
Custom register and splash/login sidebar
lol you have no idea how long ive been trying to get this to work! thanks for the input guys 
@mikepratt that’s a really nice design and layout, especially like the /why/ page.
i tried what @techguy suggested, but it still isnt working. Maybe i over looked something, i’ll go back over my coding again. It seems like this should be easy to do though. I thought that just inputting the reg code into the index.php would do the trick, but i guess not lol. Anyways, gonna keep at it, i’ll let you guys know what i get
If someone could guide me through this I would be eternally grateful…noob you see.
Great job on the homepage Mike. How come nothing happens when I click on Forums, Groups, etc? Are you still working on this?
Your layout is great but I’m not too crazy about the color theme. It doesn’t feel engaging enough. Maybe it’s just me. But I love what you did with the sign up form with the rounded corners and drop shadow.
I realize this is a pretty old thread now but am wondering if there is a ready built free theme that does this now, or if not can you explain how you did yours Mike Pratt?
@zaniwhoop please start a new topic next time. The code used from 2 years ago won’t work for current BP versions. Closing this one.
For your reference, this tutorial by pcwriter is pretty thorough