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Registration form still not resolved; someone please help me

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  • mjurkowski


    I just have the same problem. Users wrote to me that they can not register, after press sign up button form reload but without message if it will be success or not. But when i try always it works. I don’t know what can be… Please help.



    Oh wow @mjurkowski, yeah it’s becoming very overwhelming not getting a clear solution and I’ve tried everything that I could think of on my end to resolve this. Hopefully someone can respond back to help us out soon. If you find out any more info before me, please let me know when you can. I would greatly appreciate it.




    Only some users had this problem in my site. I don’t have any case.




    Oh okay, so since it’s working from your end, maybe you can help me. Any suggestions on what I can do or should do to get it to work on my end? I’m still running into the same issue of the users not being created, even while I’m still on the Twenty Fifteen theme with only the BuddyPress plug in (now at the 2.3.1 version), the bbPress plug in (now at the 2.5.7 version) and the W3 Total Cache (still at the version) activated. Also, I went and checked the back end again from my hosting plan provider (as well as talked to a representative of my hosting plan service over the phone) and he noticed that there was actually a lot of errors listed for my sites link. The only thing is that the representative said all the other errors listed have been resolved because he doesn’t see any other error messages on those that are listed in the error log. The only one he still sees on there (and I just realized this as well) was this message:

    PHP Warning: strstr(): Empty needle in /hermes/bosweb26d/b246/ipg.sjfgraphixcom/myloopnetwork/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-filters.php on line 781

    Could this be the reason why the registration page is still not working? Because I never did any changes to that bp-core-filters.php file, I’ve only been working on the post pages and customizing my website theme that I wanted to use from before (which was the Magnus WordPress Theme). But as I was saying before, even though I’m still currently on the Twenty Fifteen theme, I’m still having issues. Please let me know what else I need to do to resolve this. My hosting plan server is iPage (which uses NGINX), running a 5.0 PHP version. I hope this additional information helps out.



    hi @shaquana_folks,

    clear the cache, you probably have some old pages in it.
    Other question: why do you use a cache for a site in development ?
    This kind of tool is intended for high trafic sites and huge amount of members and post to speed up page load.

    When you start, you don’t need this.

    And if you optimize the super poster image on the homepage, actually 1 920px × 1 079px, you can win some precious seconds without any plugin !



    Hi @danbp

    Oh okay, so that’s what I did just now, I deactivated that cache plug in and cleared the cache of my site. But can anyone explain that bp-core-filters.php error message that’s still there in my error log (the “PHP Warning” error message is in my last message (in bold)? Because the registration page is still not working. I asked my hosting provider about that, but they said it’s an error that’s not coming from their end. Any ideas why that’s still happening?



    Any ideas why that’s still happening?

    Yep ! Already asked and solved. 😉 Please read here:



    I’m sorry @danbp, I’ve tried looking through those links that you sent, but I’m still very much confused. I cleared the cache, then I went in my Appearance > Customize link and typed in “MyLoopnetwork” as the Site Title, refreshed everything, went to try to create a user profile, and it still did the same thing. I’m still running these tests with the Twenty Fifteen theme. Is it possible for anyone to look from the backend of my site somehow to see what I’m doing wrong or if I’m not setting up something correctly? I’m new to all of this and just trying to get this registration page to work on my site.

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