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  • Erwin Gerrits


    Sorry, I was too busy pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to make AJAX work in 1.2…

    Please give us your solution so I may be able to implement it as standard…

    Erwin Gerrits


    Can’t you just not install the “Blogs” component?

    Erwin Gerrits


    To grab the groups created by the site admin would be the same code as the groups listing on the admin profile page. It fetches all groups for the current user_id, which in case of the site admin, is always ‘0’. It would involve a loop with bp_has_groups with user id set to ‘0’.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Thanks Brajesh, I see what you mean. I’ll try that.

    Any idea when/where to load the accompanying ajax/javascript?

    Erwin Gerrits


    Never mind, I found it… it’s in bp-core-templatetags.

    Tsk tsk Andy…. should not be there….

    Erwin Gerrits


    I don’t think it would be too difficult…. just use group API on group creation screen to add an extra field (SubGroupOf), store in meta data, then put a filter on group-single to list all groups with matching SubGroupOf… also put a filter on group lists around site to filter out all groups that are a sub group…

    Just throwing this out there….

    Erwin Gerrits


    bp-events will NOT be supporting anything older than 1.2… heck, it only works half with 1.2 now… I have put in WAY too much time to (at least) try to make it work with 1.2, I will have no patience left to fix/test for anything older. Once I have it working with 1.2, I’ll never look back.

    But that’s just a personal choice. (Do I sound frustrated enough?)

    Erwin Gerrits


    In bp-events.php, find the following code (around lines 331-338):

    function add_events_to_main_menu() {

    $class = (bp_is_page('events')) ? ' class="selected" ' : '';

    echo '<li ' . $class. '><a href="' . get_option
    ('home') . '/events" title="' . __( 'Events', 'bp-events' ) .'">' .
    ( 'Events', 'bp-events' ) .'</a></li>';


    Just take that whole function out (including the ‘add_action’). Alternatively, you can just comment out the ‘add_action’ line, by putting // in front of it, and the function will never be called…


    Erwin Gerrits


    Find the following block of code in the groups/create.php template file (in themes/bp-default, lines 49-61)

    <?php if ( function_exists('bp_forums_setup') ) : ?>

    .. blah blah blah..

    <?php endif; ?>

    Just comment that whole section out (put a /* before and a */ after this block of code) and your users will never get the option to create a forum


    Erwin Gerrits


    Thanks Andy!

    Does this mean we no longer need ‘jquery-livequery-pack’ in the enqueue script?

    And As Brajesh, I too am having trouble trying to figure out WHEN to load custom javascripts…

    Erwin Gerrits


    I got a “jQuery(“div#events-list-options a”).livequery is not a function” error when loading the events widget javascript, which is exactly the same as groups widget js and loaded at the same time (from the widget constructor).

    What does this error mean?

    Erwin Gerrits


    It won’t even attempt to load the javascript files for the widget… it creates the widget, but the enqueue_script won’t add the javascript to the header, even though I have checked the URL about a zillion times…

    if ( is_active_widget( false, false, $this->id_base ) )
    wp_enqueue_script( 'events_widget_events_list-js', WP_PLUGIN_URL .
    '/bp-events/js/widget-events.js', array('jquery', 'jquery-livequery-pack') );

    This seems to be OK.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Thanks, guys.

    I zipped up my latest code here:

    It installs and loads without errors, but the AJAX never gets loaded. BuddyPress just loads AJAX.php and global.js, automatically handling all Groups scripts, so I have to copy the relevant code into a seperate ajax & global file and load it.

    Erwin Gerrits


    On the missing css/icons…. I (erroneously) uploaded the latest trunk to the WP repository with missing css/icon files… please re-download the trunk and re-install. All files are there now.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Erich73–You can check out the latest (trunk+) version on naminanu [dot] com, my personal test site.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Great! Thanks! I’ll noodle with this…

    Erwin Gerrits


    Ah, here I am =)

    I have (finally) upgraded to BuddyPress 1.1 on my test site (just the forums working in one click is just worth every minute of it!!). I have set aside (branched) the old version of bp-events (0.6) for people still running bp 1.0.3 (for whatever reason), and from now on, the trunk version on my site (and WordPress plugins) will solely work on BP 1.1 and beyond. Marius has put in a *ton* of work rewriting most of the code to keep up with the major changes to BP from 1.0.3 to 1.1. For the next little while, I will mirror the changes made to the trunk listed on this thread to the one on my site until we merge the two and go forward on one version (when I have figured out how to do this…)

    I am currently reworking the calendar view to have *lots* of AJAX “refreshments”…

    Erwin Gerrits


    wp-cron functions would do it! Thanks for your suggestions!

    Erwin Gerrits


    Also, upgrade to latest trunk version of bp-events if you’re running BP 1.0.2… some template file constants have changed…

    Erwin Gerrits


    Are your theme files in wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember? It sounds like they are in some other place. These are template related errors, usually the template files are in the wrong directory (they have to be OUT of buddypress dir), or the permissions are set wrong.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Oh, and here I was thinking she chose *me* to have an exciting time with! (based on my smashing profile, of course)

    Erwin Gerrits


    @carinalle – installation through the WP install doesn’t put the files in the right directories– please install manually as per the ReadMe file.

    Erwin Gerrits


    Burt, I am going to try it out ASAP!

    I will need some instructions as to how to make bp-events work with this…

    Great job so far! It’s quite a complicated project!

    Erwin Gerrits


    @taebp, please download latest trunk… this issue has been fixed.

    Erwin Gerrits


    irc… another thing I’ve never gotten into…… sorry for being so slow in adapting.

    It seems my plugin is now listed correctly on the WP plugins AND I can upload changes to the trunk with Tortoise! Yay for technology!

    One last question regarding the plugin repository. I see some folks have an image (avatar) for their plug-in both in BuddyPress plugins list and WordPress’…. how do I go about adding one?

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