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  • @hastig


    I think activate.php


    To edit you will first want to copy it to your own theme’s buddypress folder



    BP 2.4.3

    Something like this?..

    <?php $memberUrl = bp_loggedin_user_domain(); echo ($memberUrl . 'settings/');  ?>

    that should output the full url, customized to users name

    put it <a href="HERE">

    change ‘settings’ to whatever

    not sure where I dug that up from so i can’t give credit, sorry



    Plugins are the best way to go if you want to save yourself from developing something from scratch.

    Here’s one of many comparison reviews between two possible options.



    @hnla Hi Hugo, thanks for your feedback.

    I’ve updated the Stack Exchange question to better reflect what I’m looking to do. I also updated the answer with a second link to the Buddypress codex for those looking to do less specific Buddypress theming. Additionally, I added a disclaimer saying it is not the recommended method. Without any specific mistakes pointed out that’s about the best I can do for now.

    As for removing it, I’m sure it will be put on hold soon enough, seems they don’t like Buddypress (third party plugin) questions over there.

    Until then the answer solves my question and I can see it being useful for people looking to heavily customize things, I myself have been referring to it constantly. I would have been ecstatic to have found something like it 3 weeks ago when I began working on a buddypress theme.

    Of course, my being a noob means that answer will not be perfect. I will however keep it updated as I learn more and if there’s someone willing to better answer it I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only appreciative one.

    Apologies for hijacking this thread, wasn’t sure where better to reply.



    I’m probably misunderstanding the question but for the first part (“List each field where I want”) are you trying to control the order the fields appear to a user on this page?

    If so, have you already tried reordering them in admin panel -> users -> profile fields ?



    This plugin may be of help to you..

    This plugin add more fields type to Buddypress extension: Xprofile. The fields type added are: Birthdate.. Image.. Number within min/max values..



    I don’t know which theme you’re using so I can only offer some basic, general css advice.

    The numbers are in a table column, each number is in a table cell. In the html the table cell is written as <td>

    I’m not sure if you can or will want to remove the numbers column entirely, there may be some buddypress inserted code in there (#id’s, etc) that helps identify each row <tr> for a buddypress function.

    What you can do is make that column narrower or possibly hide it from displaying on screen while keeping the (possibly) important code in place.

    With Firefox or Chrome right click on a cell and choose ‘inspect element’.

    This will show you the html code in that area.

    You want to find the cell <td> that wraps around the numbers then identify its class. There may be a couple of different classes in each <td> that buddypress inserts.

    To help find which class you want to work with add a background-color: red; to different classes til you find the right one that applies to all cells in the column.

    (if you cant find a class that applies to only the numbers column you will need to get into a little more complex css using nth and similar methods)

    Once you find the right one open your themes style.css file and place on the bottom of it the class with your new styles.

    Try something like ..

    .className {visibility: hidden;} to hide it


    .className {width: 10%;} to adjust it’s width relative to the overall width. (would want to adjust the other columns cell widths to compensate. may also be some other elements within the cell with their own widths set.)

    There are numerous ways to target those cells for styling and different things that may prevent the above ideas from working but I’d better leave it at that for now.




    I wish the simple way worked for me, nothing shows up if I use your method and it’s probably due to my fundamental misunderstanding of theming buddypress.



    Here’s a partial buddypress template files to theme folder listing here

    I don’t have activity streams activated so I can’t help you with your original problem, though I’m sure you’ve since figured it out.



    Warning: I haven’t tested this or thought it through and I’m half asleep..

    For starters, if you have ftp access rename the buddypress plugin folder to something else like ‘temp-buddypress’

    Log into admin panel, switch themes to twentyfifteen.

    Rename buddypress back to its original name.

    Check your site and admin panel to see if buddypress is working with twentyfifteen.

    Here’s some troubleshooting advice from wordpress..

    WordPress Codex: Login Trouble



    I don’t have an answer for you but is Guest Post a blank page, posted with default settings (viewable by all, etc.) In other words you created the page and all you entered was the title and clicked publish.

    Also, is your index-register.php file in this folder..


    Also, it’s permissions are 0644 or the same as your other files in the same (members) folder?

    Also, make sure for testing purposes that index-register.php is the exact same as the template in bp-legacy, to rule out there being something broken with the code in your customized version.



    I figured out how to do it with the plugin BP Profile Search

    In the plugin options if you choose the option Get under Form Method your searches with this plugin will show a link in the url field of your browser.

    seems to work fine shortened to..

    You can use links like those to build custom menus.

    But they are of course dependent on the plugin being installed as well as other variables you create with the plugin form builder.

    I’ll update this another day when I figure out a plugin independent method.



    Could you wrap the area you want seen by only the logged in user with bp_is_my_profile()

    Something like this..

    <?php if (bp_is_my_profile()) : ?>
        show this
    <?php endif; ?>

    bp_is_my_profile on hookr
    asked in a past buddypress forum post



    I figured my issue out, it was with a plugin “Mojo Under Construction”

    When I deactivated it I was able to upload through other roles other than admin.

    some quick advice for anyone who finds their way to this thread..

    • bp-custom.php – check to see that you don’t have any avatar related stuff in here
    • functions.php to eliminate a function as a possibility switch to a default theme like 2015 to see if it works
    • **when switching roles of a user remember to log that user out and back in before testing uploads in that role.
    • disable all plugins (if youve had any in the past that altered, ermmm, user roles/persmissions? there could be some leftover stuff even after disabling/uninstalling, or so ive read)



    Did you ever figure this out Kir, I’m having the same issue.



    Maybe it’s an easy thing, but I am really confused. Please advise me.

    Well, if it’s easy we’re both dummies cuz I find it extremely confusing myself.

    Take the template for a single members profile page as an example.


    is to be copied and renamed to your theme, but first you have to rename it to index.php for some reason. like this..


    Or this one which I forget is to either view the inbox or a message thread..


    would change to..


    Some template files are turned
    into ‘actions’, some are to be ‘components’, some files get renamed, some names stay the same but go in different folders than the bp-legacy structure, and so on.

    Here’s a page that can sort of help make sense of it..

    Template Hierarchy



    Thanks very much guys!

    Is it just my blind eyes or is impossible to read? Font size is tiny, color is invisible. A fantastic resource though, bookmarked it, thanks again!

    For anybody interested, I just wanted a ‘send private message’ button that I could place anywhere on the page.

    The simple way seems to be to use this..

    <?php bp_send_private_message_button(); ?>

    On click it will open the send message page with the person you want to message already set.

    bp_send_private_message_button is a function that echos bp_get_send_message_button
    bp_send_private_message_button is located in /bp-messages/bp-messages-template.php


    if you’re wanting to change the text of the link you can add this to functions.php or bp-custom.php

    function custom_change_send_private_message_text($args) { 
    	$args[link_text] = 'send message'; 
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button_args', 'custom_change_send_private_message_text', 1, 1 );

    ..thats courtesy of shanebp..

    another version i was playing with if its of use to anyone..

    function custom_change_send_private_message_text($args) { 
    	$userName = bp_get_displayed_user_username();
    	$args[link_text] = 'send ' . $userName . ' a private message'; 
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'bp_get_send_message_button_args', 'custom_change_send_private_message_text', 1, 1 ); would have to figure out how to remove the hyphen from the username.



    Hi Henry, thanks for your reply.

    I’ve left all default classes as is, the starring works fine but the ajax does not in that the page has to reload to mark a message with a star.

    My problem is that the function is written in that it depends on there being a table cell td.thread-star a and I’ve rewritten that template file to not use tables.

    It’d probably be easier for me to just bite the bullet and work with the tables but I thought I’d check to see if there was a simple way that I could modify that javascript.



    1. Not neccesary but won’t hurt anything if I do? Seems that way, so far anyway.

    I feel I’m missing something fundamental with Buddypress’s structure, still trying to get a handle on it.

    2. Is buddypress/members/single/messages.php a template page or normally a file that’s included in a template page?

    What I mean is, for example, messages-loop.php is a not a page but a file that is called by messages.php

    2b. So is messages.php normally called by another template higher up and the php in question is closed in that?



    without seeing your css i can give you an ugly, possible solution..

    (please backup that file before attempting the change)


    <div class=”profile_fields”><?php bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Organizational Name’); ?></div>


    <div class=”item-title”>
    <?php bp_get_member_name(); ?>


    <div class=”item-title”>
    <?php bp_get_member_name(); ?>
    <div style="display: block;"><?php bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Organizational Name’); ?></div>

    you may want to change style="display: block;" to class="whateverName" and edit from your style sheet.



    Did you create the users yourself and if so have you logged in with their accounts?

    On my test site I recall having to log in with those created users to get them to pop up in the front end members lists.



    If you’re customizing your site yourself you can try something like this on the pages you want only viewable by logged in users..

    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in()  ) : ?><!-- bgn show content only to logged in users -->
    html here, viewable only by logged in members
    <?php else: ?><!-- else if user is not logged in -->
    <a href="">please log in or register to view this page</a>
    <?php endif; ?><!-- end show content only to logged in users -->



    Is this to a single members full profile page?

    Or to the page that lists multiple members?

    Wither way, I use masonry on both. If you showed your code I may be able to help.

    With my page layout I’m able to open the masonry div at the page top and close at at page bottom.

    Be sure to have the masonry block divs within that main, masonry div marked with the proper class.

    For starters, wrap the members photo (avatar) and Organization field in a div.

    Make each div display as block.

    Basic example..

    <div style=”display: block;”>
    <div style=”display: block;”><?php bp_member_avatar(‘type=full’); ?></div>
    <div style=”display: block;”><?php bp_member_profile_data(‘field=Organization’); ?></div>

    Remember to replace the php with what you’re using on your site. (field name and avatar type, specifically)

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