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I modified my functions.php as @Travel-Junkie said. It works perfectly on my WP 3.0.1. but I want to go a little further.
I want the member home page only to be visible for the admin and for the registered member, not the others members of the BP.
for exemple, the should be visible only for the logged in user named angora
I’ve heard about bp_is_home, but no idea how to deal with…
Any idea would be helpfull ; thanks in advancehi there,
on my
– WP single user 2.9.2
– old wordpress self-customized magazine theme
– BP 1.2.1
– and more than 20 other wp plugins
the following BP plugins are running fine :
– BuddyPress Template Pack 1.0.2;
– BP Group Documents 0.2.5
– BP-TinyMCE 0.2.1
– External Group Blogs 1.2.1
(Just a small php error by delating a group, for the moment)
Guys, that’s a good job !
OK @andy I will be waiting, no problem
by the way, thanks for the good job ; BP 1.2 is really a BIG step ahead
With the codex tutorial, I installed BP on my old theme for WP single, it didn’t take me more than 10 minutes and it works like a charm
thanks again
I’m currently running BP 1.2 on my WP 2.9.1 (single user ), after that I’ve made my old niss theme BP compatible (it worked like a charm).
After activating the external group plugin, I get this php error :
Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /homepages/…./blog/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups.php on line 2454
sorry if it’s a newbee question, i’m no php guru, far from it
thanks in advance for any help
same purpose by me
I just want to organise my registred users on a BP groups basis, the others BP functions aren’t needed.
I’d rather not have to build a child theme, because of the many functions implemented on my actual wp theme (and my fear of CSS).
Waiting for a little tutorial on how to do that and ready to test/help.
I tried the trunk version on a WP single user installation and got the same issue : no links to create a new group are showing where they should be.
But gave me the create group page and I was able to create a group.
But only one. When I try again, the same group is showing and I can just overwrite the former one.
salut mr maz
i’m running
wpmu 2.8.6 with bp 1.1.3 and your plugin bp-link
It worked like a charm, could create some links.
but now i’m getting this php erro by creating a link :
Call to undefined function bp_link_creation_tabs() in /homepages/41/d278410228/htdocs/wp-content/themes/bp-default/links/create.php on line 5
any ideas ?
thanks in advance
i was just about editing my post to say I have been posting too fast.
forgot to move the /links in the theme directory. now it works perfectly.
indeed a very useful plugin and perfect integration job
what bowe said above is realy the truth : not every plugin for BP is so well developped
i just installed it fine on my wpmu 2.8.6 + BP 1.1.3
but can’t get it to work
there is no page at
could it be that the plugin doesn’t support the 1.1.3 release ?
in any case I will follow what seems to be a very nice plugin
I have the same issue
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/41/d278410228/htdocs/wp-content/themes/bp-sn-parent/header.php:3) in /homepages/41/d278410228/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 865
with wpmu 2.8.6 BP 1.1.3 hosted by 1&1
hosted by 1&1,
wpmu : 2.8.6
bp : 1.1.3
added php 5 in htaccess
I have a problem too with some errors 500,
for instance, on my dashboard :
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 29622272) (tried to allocate 62525 bytes) in /homepages/6/d181789708/htdocs/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 550
I would like to use it on I run wpmu 2.7 + BP RC-1.
I install the plugin version for RC-1
By activating the plugin, I got following error ;
Warning: include_once(/homepages/17/d252975120/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/bp-invitefriends/) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/17/d252975120/htdocs/wp-settings.php on line 545
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/homepages/17/d252975120/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/bp-invitefriends/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php5′) in /homepages/17/d252975120/htdocs/wp-settings.php on line 545
thanks for any advice
I update mu old version of BP to the RC.
It works now perfectly
sorry for having polluted the thread
Hi bergsten
thanks for the plugin, essential for any network
I installed the 2.0b2 version on my BP, put the php code you gave above (add_action(‘bp_custom_profile_boxes’, ‘bp_google_maps_profile’, 6)
in the index.php from the directory /wp-content/member-themes/buddypress-member/profile, exactly here :
‘<?php if ( function_exists(‘bp_send_message_button’) ) : ?>
<?php bp_send_message_button() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php add_action(‘bp_custom_profile_boxes’, ‘bp_google_maps_profile’, 6); ?>
<?php bp_custom_profile_sidebar_boxes() ?>
<div class=”main-column”>’
It’s working but a little buggy : the map shows two time as you can see here :
something else is bugging.
the button update your position leads to a page that doesn’t exist with slug: update-position
the integration function works fine : I can edit a map where all markers my users are shown ; that’s great
thanks for any help
thanks for the quick answer.
my problem is that i can’t get the plugin running on one of my installation. when a user join a group, he does not become automatickly an user of the community blog.
hello burt,
i posted a comment on your site but in the meantime i’ve found that slug is just the name of the group, isn’it ?
i installed the community blog plugin in the blog i want to become the community blog, enabled it, indicate the slug (name without nothing and no/) of the group but the plugin isn’t doing what i expect.
i would like that any new registered in a group becomes automaticly author of the group blog.
did i miss something ?
thanks for your help
edit after few minuts
OK i installed the plugin on an other test version of buddypress without localization (fr) and it works : the invited users becomes automaticly author rights on the community blog and apperas in the registered users of this comm. blog.
could it be the localization, any idea of what could be wrong with it ?
The topic has been closed and i feel sorry for it, because with my later installation wp MU 2.7 + BP béta 2, i’m still having this error msg :
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/np5397/domains/ on line 104
when creating a new blog
that cause several issues :
– can’t edit the profiles, create a group
– blogs are created but aren’t showing in the recent activity, neither in the blogs tabs or in his owner’s profile
– can’t send a message, invite somebody to be friend, etc
it seems that i have no x-profile tables in my db like burtadsit asks
here is the list of the tables in my db ; can’t see it
please how can i create manually those tables in my sqlDB ?
thanks for any advice
not for me
although i installed the BP beta 2
I run the trunk version 915 with wpmu 2.6.5 (tried 2.7 but it didn’t help), and i’m still getting this error
and I suppose it has to do with the several issues on my BP installation (follow the link), for example :
– can’t edit the profiles, create a group
– blogs are created but aren’t showing in the recent activity, neither in the blogs tabs or in his owner’s profile
– can’t send a message, invite somebody to be friend, etc
i’ve read somewhere that sometimes a table named bp-xprofile was not created in the DB ; I can’t see any table with that name in my DB.
thanks for any help
so do I
are you hosted by 1&1 ?
Thank you burtadsite for having taken my issue in consideration.
@ swift I solved my problem with 404 tonight : it was something with the permission (755 everywhere, insn’it dangereous ?) and/or the ht.access (php 5) and/or the permalinks (i went back to standard URL), i don’t know but it works fine yet (i just cannot reach the new blogs but i will post it somewhere else)
to create pages with placeholder slugs, you have to choose standards permalinks then go to write a page (page not article), then just make a page named (titled) “members”, then “blogs”, then an other one with “groups”
see you
my installation WPMU + BP worked fine by 1&1.
But same issue, every link on the homepage goes to a 404.
I created 3 pages with slug like : but still the 404 page on every link
any idea ?