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Forum Replies Created

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  • @markschafer


    I’ve disabled all plugins with no improvement. I’ve also found that the banned user can visit the group and post to the forum. After posting, the Group Admin shows a duplication of that member in the group. One is banned and one is not. This is the Same user. The links below represent at least 3 others examples of this issue. Any suggestions?



    I’m also getting “There was an error when banning that user, please try again” when removing a member from a group. The member does get banned from the group.

    WP 3.0.1, subdomain, upgraded from 2.9, functioning prior to upgrade
    BP, upgraded from prior version, BuddyPress Widget Theme 1.2, no modified core files,
    Custom Functions = custom_adminbar_dashboard_button, bp_ga_analytics
    bbPress built in, NO errors in logs related to removing group member
    host = TMD Hosting on Apache
    Bad Behavior
    BP Groupblog
    BP Group Documents
    BP Group Management
    BP MPO Activity Filter
    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription
    External Group Blogs
    Invite Anyone
    Kimili Flash Embed
    Webmast Tools Verification



    @thekmen – I’d say you’re ‘on topic’. The new can’t be used to support plugins until there is a common understanding of how is organized and operating.

    Very happy (in a misery loves company kind of way) to read these posts. I’m having trouble understanding the flow of content on the new You’d think it would be fairly intuitive given I host a bp site and have been a frequent visitor of the old bp layout. I agree that Activity Stream reply’s to forum posts should be disabled. Where are we posting comments / reporting bugs / asking and answering questions about specific plugins? Plugins now have group pages but there is no group forum. Are we supposed to post Everything on the Group’s Activity Page? That doesn’t seem to lend itself to efficient/effective archiving of various topics and discussions. Maybe we’re still in the early transition stage and I missed the memo explaining ‘who’s on first’. If I did miss an ‘overview’ post about the new, please point me to it.



    I’ve got the same problem with duplicate group members. Since the group in question has 2 administrators I’m wondering if BOTH group admins received and accepted requests resulting in 2 instances of the same members in the group. There should be some test to see if a user is already a group member but that doesn’t seem to be the case. The link below is another example of the same issue. I’m running BP 1.2.3, WPMU 2.9.1 with subdomains.

    If I don’t hear any possible causes/solutions, I’ll report this as a bug.



    @Mariusooms – yes, using subdomains. I can/did create a groupblog via the Group Admin page (after group creation).



    This was fixed in BP 1.2.3:



    This might assist. It’s related to double posts in the activity stream when using the feedwordpress plugin. I haven’t implemented it yet:

    *read down 2 comments to see Boone’s reply



    Since I’m spending more time than I’d like in the Profile Admin, I added a date field to test your issue. It worked properly for me. I’m using your same current versions of BP and WP. If you got a minute, let me know if this situation below exists for you. Thanks:



    I just got the following error and resolved it by following the directions to clean up the meta table. Thanks for posting the steps. Since I’m not sure if the thinking was that this error was no longer occurring in 1.4.4, I’m passing this update along. I’m using 1.4.4 with BP and wpmu 2.9.1. The groupblog was created during group creation and appeared to be fine although no blog could be found and the group blog tab only produced this error:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-groupblog/bp-groupblog.php



    Thanks for posting the ticket. Once Andy chimed in I was waiting to see if this was a known issue. I see it’s already been fixed in the trunk!



    @nick – I understand our issues are similar but not the same. Are you able to use the Multi – Select Box successfully? As I mentioned, if I select more than one option, only the item that is lowest on the list is saved and shown on the public profile. If I change the field to a Check Box, it works correctly and all items checked are saved.

    wpmu 2.9.1, bp 1.2.1



    I just discovered the same problem of getting the same “Please try again” when attempting to save a profile with empty not required fields. Also only One (the last) item selected in a Multi Select Box is being saved and displayed on the Pubic Profile page. Check Boxes do work properly and display all checked items on the Public Profile Page. I’ll enter this in the Trac later today unless someone shares some additional insight.



    How do you “disallow ordinary users from creating groups”? I know I can disable the groups component completely but I’m not aware of controlling users ability to create groups. The link below resorts to removing the ‘create group’ button. Is there another way within the BP admin?



    @stwc – I confirm the same issue on my site with full public access to the external blog admin area. I noticed you’ve got duplicate external blog posts on your group home. That’s an improvement over the 5 duplicates I’m getting for each external blog post. Keep talking to yourself… I think you’re on to something ;-)



    Take a look at the BP MPO ACTIVITY FILTER plugin. Just be aware that if you’re logged in as Site Admin you’ll see ALL private posts in the activity stream which may lead you to believe it’s not working. Log out and the posts should not be visible. I am getting the following in my error log with this plugin activated (on wpmu 2.9.1/bp 1.2): “WordPress database error Table doesn’t exist for query”



    I’m don’t think I’m seeing your issue of ‘manually’ needing to initiate an update but the rest of what you stated is accurate for my situation. I’ve been confused as to whether this is how it’s supposed to work in 1.2 – or if an update is needed or if there’s a problem with my wpmu/bp installation. Functionality on BP 1.1 was different and better for my needs than on 1.2. As of now, I only see external feeds in the ‘Home’ page of the Group. I’m also getting double entries for some reason (as shown in link):



    That additional code does not work for BP 1.2. Even with that code the plugin is not fully functional with BP 1.1.3 as new group members are not automatically added to the group blog until they are promoted to group mod or admin. Plugin author is working on an update for BP 1.2.



    I’m getting the following when adding a new external feed in BP 1.2. Also, an extra slash is added to the External Blogs Admin URL (between the group name and admin). Anyone else?

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in …/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups.php on line 2454





    Thanks for starting this list. There’s another forum list of broken bp 1.2 plugins but I can’t find it now. It would be a nice feature if BP Plugins pages allowed for some sort of commenting or rating of ‘works with 1.2’, etc. I know offers this (and that’s where the plugins are actually hosted) but is typically more active with current information. Right or wrong most comments regarding buddypress plugins are found here.

    I haven’t spent enough time with 1.2 to say with certainty what’s working. I can say the following are Not for me:

    Group Blog

    Group Forum Subscription

    Welcome Pack

    Invite Anyone



    This may help (thanks to Boone). It’s written for BP 1.1.3 which has the same problem with private posts/comments in the site wide activity stream. If you try this solution let us know if works on your BP 1.2 install.



    @1stAngel; Groupblogs is not presently compatible with wpmu (for many). At the very least you’ll need to add the code mentioned in the middle of the linked topic below. That may, or may not help as results seem to vary. For me (with bp1.1.3) new group members are not automatically becoming blog members unless I promote them to Mods or Admins. Hopefully once bp 1.2 is stable the plugin can be updated to work well with 1.2 and wpmu 2.9.1.+:



    just a test to check if my posts are still blocked..

    edit: All is good. Thanks!



    update: While working, all is not perfect as the auto blog membership is not as streamlined as it is designed and used to be.

    After upgrade of plugin with above mentioned code to load bp first, regular Group members are no longer being automatically added as Blog members. If I promote a group member to Admin or Moderator, they then are automatically added to the Group Blog (with the correct Blog privileges). I can then demote them back to regular members and their Blog privileges change accordingly. It is interesting that promotions to Admin & Mod both result in automatic Blog membership but being added initially as a regular group member does not (but used to prior to wpmu 2.9.1.* and upgrading groupblog plugin). Thoughts?

    I posted the above info at Boone’s site since he contributed the ‘streamling’ functionality to groupblogs:



    @MariusOoms – no need to apologize. It’s the price we pay to use open source. If it’s a mission critical feature, upgrades can be done on a test server or backups allow for rolling back until all is good to go live. It’s appreciated that you got this plugin established. Anything you can do in the future will also be appreciated.

    When upgrading for bp 1.2, take a look at JJJ’s comments regarding hooking dependent plugins in to bp_int. It sounds like it’s the preferred way (over what I posted earlier) to load bp first:

    Best of luck with your move!

    @nonegiven – I’m now having no problems with groupblogs. Old Group Blog pages are recognized and all the Blog Menu Options within the Group are associated with the correct group blog. I’d also love to see the groupblog function as part of the core bp.

    @Andy – Still confused by your comment but it may not matter given the change JJJ has made to the trunk.

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