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  • @nirok


    Ok did a bit of testing…. things which may have caused this for me was password protecting my test website directory through cpanel. Also the folder name (with the wordpress install) was a number which may have cause this issue. I ended up installing this on a new directory with an alphabetic name rather than a number and it now works. I think it may have being the folder name which was the issue, so look at that if someone has ever had the same issue as this. I even created a whole new install with a new database in the same numeric directory and this still wasn’t working.



    more specifically its the “friends” option which causes it not to work… which is all good as i’m not using that option anyway… seems with the upgrade all these options got re enabled



    actually just worked it out… i disabled bbforum, friends, groups, private messenging and it works…. i don’t need any of these for the website



    I’ve just come back to this… haven’t had a lot of luck with the blog title however I ended up adding a “more” button on the blog activity which i think should be enough for now….



    This looks like a classifications listing website? Why not look at classipress? I don’t think buddypress activities would work in this case, even a simple wordpress loop might work better here… frontend editor isn’t available without some workaround and plugins but I think its coming in the next release of wordpress… classipress theme has a frontend editor



    Check any new javascripts or plugins added… its most likely a conflict with one….



    Try using an older jquery: jquery-1.3.2.min.js rather than the latest



    must be somewhere in buddypress or wordpress which indicates the compression settings



    no my images are 800 x 600 …. it looks like a compresion issue… i’ll look into it



    echo xprofile_get_field_data(‘Website’);
    displays the radio option a user selects. Just replace ‘Website’ with the field name. obviously add php tags infront and at the end



    I just added simple buttons via the header.php. This needs to be changed for both the homepage template and the user template header.php …

    All I added was extra


    <li <?php if ( bp_is_page( 'home' ) ) {?> class="selected"<?php } ?>><a>" title="<?php _e( 'Home', 'buddypress' ) ?>"><?php _e( 'Home', 'buddypress' ) ?></a></li><br />
    <li <?php if ( bp_is_page( 'forum' ) ) {?> class="selected"<?php } ?>><a href="">Forum</a>

    this comes out as: Home | Forum

    To limit database queries you could simplify the navigation to just using simple code:

    <li><a href="">Home</a></li><br />
    <li><a href="">Blog</a></li><br />

    which gives you: Home | Blog

    etc etc anyway thats what i have done i’m sure you could make some complex buttons by playing around…



    Hey, i was using a customised theme, however i just tried it with the default theme and the same thing occurs there… i’m running WPWU 2.7.1 and the latest BP version that you just released. I’ve just tested this out on the previous version i was testing with WPWU 2.7 and BP RC1 and the same thing occured there. I’m now wondering if it is perhaps a permission issue? How does Buddy Press work with the group avatar? The profile avatars are working fine. Is there a folder somewhere which is created saving the adjusted images?? maybe the permissions arn’t writable?



    awsome a how to! thanks Jeff



    Oh man thats an oversite, was just the htaccess not having the old : AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php added to it, lol… thanks for the upgrade BTW!



    Hi i just did a fresh install on one of my sites and at teh bottom i’m getting these errors:

    Warning: Unknown(): open(/tmp/sess_e33a1e30e69602089d345f87dd187034, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0

    Warning: Unknown(): Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0

    Does anybody know what this might be?? i’m assuming it might be a .htaccess setting ??



    i noticed that when a user signs out and the “log out” is showing nothing happens when they click it…. you have to refresh teh page and have the “logout of facebook” showing for taht to work… i think its the same issue if they attempt to logout using the usual buddypress logouts



    I have it working fine in the latest trunk the issue I have is can this possibly be made to work in the stable version rc-1?? is the older trunk which works with fb-connect stable enough to work on a working site? I have the lastest trunk site in the background however i wouldn’t use this as a live site…



    Is there another code snippet like this that allows just the user to view a part of there profile or only approved friends??



    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    works really well as you can just add it to the different components you don’t want to show up unless they are logged in…



    yes it works, i’m getting the error “Warning: Missing argument 5 for fbc_get_avatar() in /home/spoodle/public_html/2/wp-content/plugins/bp-fbconnect/wp-facebookconnect/fbconnect.php on line 528”

    I know this is a common error previously can someone tell me how to fix this? i’m running latest wpmu 2.7.1 and latest trunk…

    it seems to work all fine, jsut this error within the dashboard…

    to find the plugin location in dashboard its “settings” and should be “face book connect”



    Hi this was straight forward and fixed a few issues i had with images showing up… I don\’t know if you mentioned it but with your custom theme you also need to update the functions.php within your \”theme\” folder aswell as the function.php within the “bp-theme” folder… well I was getting alot of errors till i did that… very straight forward up grade Thanks



    mmm i just looked at it on another computer and it seems to be fine… the one with the issue has a 23″ monitor while the other one only has 17″ … can anybody else replicate this?? i also just noticed the test site here does the same thing so it probably is soemthing to do with this computer i think?

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