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  • @surfartculture


    @mercime ok i got that, i´ll try to widgetize my theme. Thank you very much, very usefull answer,

    i´m having some troubles with 1.2, when i add some plugins (group twitter and group blog) i got this mssg “Fatal error: Class ‘BP_Group_Extension’ not found”. I´ll try to solve, if u have some tip…..thanx a lot ;)



    I wanna the same

    i´ve try the same and not working, i can´t include sidebar!

    i wanna widgets can be added by members, independent…if u catch the right way, please let me now buddy ;)



    How I can use the sidebar for members? please…i want to members can add widgets on their own profile on sidebar. Ipm using parent theme. How come i can´t just add sibebar widgets on backend wp menu when i logged with member???? i think is so simple, but i´m trying a lot of things….so sad… me please u reading this :)



    I wanna members can change sidebars, i wanna let members add sidebars widgets on their own profiles, how can I do this?



    Yep, i wanna enable users to add widgets. I´ve tried to create new sidebar on fuction, but doesn´t work, Now i´m tring dde plugins, dont work also. What can I do?



    matt and boones u guys are right! i need take a breath….wanna say honest sorry about that, i´m working night by night since last december trying to understand all the bp code, i tried everything already, my intesion isn´t offend or insult any users and admins…maybe it cos the language, i´m brazilian and my poor english made a mistake convesation by my side. wanna say sorry for all u guys. Thank you guys for the words, this made me see how rude i was. sorry ;) peace and thankk you Special sorry for DJ



    i think admins and users are so busy studing or something. it´s so hard just to answer yes or not? maybe is more fun let beginners users watching u guys talking hard expression and words, or just answer in a few (few few few) words to let us more and more confused!

    Thank u for the answer Mr. DJPaul, it helps me alot! i´m going craaaaazy! d!@#



    can I create a independent widget for profile sidebar, for different users?? yes or not?



    someone can help me please?

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