New Plugin – BuddyPress Links – Beta Support
I just published my first BP plugin called BuddyPress Links. It is a full featured link sharing component that will add instant social bookmarking capabilities to your site.
Read more about it and download here:
You can see it in action on my personal site here: (no test accounts please, unless you like hockey
I will monitor this thread and do my best to keep things rolling and make any hot-fixes necessary to get over the initial beta testing hump.
Wooow! Awesome work… You clearly put a lot of time into this, and it looks really good and fully featured.. Great
awesome plug-in !
great job !
is it possible to have the “link categories” the same as the “Groups” ?
so literally having “Links” asscoiated to each Group, same as we have a Forum associated to each Group ?
Hi, great work !
Is it possible that you provide a .pot file for further translation work ?
@Bowe: Thanks, I put a ton of work into it!
@ Erich73: Originally I had that idea, but my site has 100s of groups and I could not come up with an easy way to quickly select which group(s) to associate with the link. In the future I plan to add a feature where you can “tag” a link with a group so they it can be associated in that way. Either way, I have plans for a lot of Link/Group/Forum synergy.
@Chouf1: According to the docs a .pot file is supposed to be generated automatically, but I appears that it wasn’t. I will make sure there is a .pot file in the next release. In the meantime if you want to generate your own, the text domain is ‘buddypress-links’
Thanks for the feedback everybody!
Is it easy to change the lexicon from “Links” to something else?
I can see this being used as a news aggregator.
I’ll probably rename the slug to “News” when I install your plugin, but great work dude!
EDIT: Okay, I see that these articles are manual submissions like Digg. It would be awesome if your plugin could take RSS feeds.
@ Ray
For RSS linking, there is already an existing plugin who do that:
external-blog-feeds by…Andy P !
not motivated by copy/paste the whole things. I wait for next release
I am happy that you are interested in helping with the translation of BuddyPress Links. I am new to i18n and I want to make sure I am doing it right.
I have a .pot file, but many of the strings are the same as the ‘buddypress’ text domain. Is there a way to avoid this when generating the .pot file, or do the translation tools automatically ignore these overlapping strings?
I would like to send you the .pot file so you can go over it and give feedback, what is the best way to get you the file?
Hey Chouf1,
Andy’s plugin is for groups though.
I like the general idea of MrMaz’s plugin; I need to give it a test install to see for myself because it looks like it takes RSS feeds as MrMaz’s site has a ton of article submissions already and they can’t all be manual submissions!
To avoid that ? Of course, if the strings are identical to buddypress existing one, use ‘buddypress’ as text domain.
If your added strings, use ‘buddypress-links’ and make the accordingly .pot file
I never encountered problems with overlapping strings with the plugins i translated. So i don’t know if it’s possible or not.
Originally this plugin was inspired by social bookmarking and news sharing from more of an editorial standpoint than an automated one. There are many WordPress plugins that handle external RSS feeds, so I am curious what it is about Links that makes you want to use it for slurping RSS?
@r-a-y: believe it or not, all of those submissions were manual, although they were imported from the first version of my site that supported remote submit via a custom bookmarklet. I plan to incorporate some sort of remote submit and/or bookmarklet features soon.
MrMaz, if you need help getting your plugin i18n friendly, let me know, I’m happy to kick through the code and clean it up.
Basically just make sure all of your text uses a textdomain like “bp-links” or “buddypress-links” then use a program like po-edit to comb through the source folder and it will sniff the strings and compile them into the po/mo/pot file.
Textdomains are important because if you use “buddypress” for your textdomain, and the buddypress-en_US.po/mo file doesn’t have a translation for it, it won’t get translated. It’s important to use your own. The only reason NOT to use your own is if the string matches EXACTLY the BuddyPress or WordPress strings already.
I read your post about i18n, and followed it to the letter
Thank you for saving me the leg work.
Every string is already in the text domain ‘buddypress-links’ (great minds think alike). I guess it must be up to the translators to use their translation tools in a way that avoids duplicate work, because it seems like a tall order for a plugin developer to monitor which strings are duplicates and constantly add and remove strings from their custom domain as the parent plugin changes (in this case BuddyPress and WordPress).
I really need to read up on this, lol.
Disregard my initial thoughts about Links being a news aggregator plugin!
Just me posting my first impressions without looking into it.
Custom bookmarklet / remote submit sounds cool.
I guess the reason why I thought automation would be nice is not every community will be constantly active with activity.
People are lazy. Well I know I am! I don’t submit articles on Digg, but I go there to read what people submitted!
This looks very interesting, well done MrMaz. Now let’s see where you can take it from here!
Wow, this looks very very nice. Thanks for the work — I’ll be throwing it into the mix right away!
OK, added it to my site — I must say, I’m very very impressed. If only all plugins were this polished and had as much attention to detail.
Minor bug — on the Links page (for me), the dropdown filter for Link types is misplaced at 1024×768 screensize, but that’s a minor CSS tweak, so no worries.
Thanks for the kind words and the bug report. I’m thinking I need to make it so the filter buttons wrap, unless anyone else has a better idea for how to lay out that directory header? I didn’t really spend much time on the layout of that one to be honest. It could be a lot better.
I just came to your profile to request friending, and you’d sent one to me already!
For some reason Private Messaging seems to be broken here at the moment.
One other thing I just noticed — I don’t see a Links filter button on my Sitewide Activity widget, but there’s one on your site… Is there a config page I missed somewhere or maybe a small bug?
I have been having trouble with messaging as well!
That is strange that you aren’t seeing the filter button on the sitewide activity widget. That button html is automatically generated by the activity filter widget. The only thing in the plugin related to that is the CSS on line 36 of links/_inc/css/screen.css (v0.1)
Are you sure that link activity has been recorded? Is your site publicly accessible so I can take a look?
Another minor bug — when embedding a smiley in the description of a link, the buddy autoreplacement that replaces it with an icon just shows the html code rather than the actual image. (Can’t find any edit/delete functionality…)
Edit: found the admin functionality on the Home for the link item. Sorry, I’m just figuring out where stuff is (and it’s all quite logical according to Buddypress conventions!)
No worries — I take the Sitewide Activity Filter problem back — I had a caching issue, and it’s all good now.
My site’s here, in case you still want a look. Buddypress is at /community.
To fix the smiley issue you need to move the two ‘convert_smilies’ filters all the way to the bottom of the list in bp-links-filters.php. I updated my local copy and that will make it into the next commit.
I am scared of XSS so you can see that I ended up just escaping all html for now until someone can help me figure out the best filtering strategy.
Thanks! I just found the Manage Categories tool in the Dashboard as well, which was going to be my next question.
Nice work, man.
Hi, if you send me ( the pot file I’ll make italian translation for your link plugin.
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