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just one question, on the third column of the members theme the the tags are, it pushes the avatar and does not show the whole avatar picture.
like this:
anything i can do to fix that? thanks!
Thanks Mohit.
Upgrading to 1.0.3 took care of it.
aww, theres already 1.0.3.
in case he goes online, i would want it also to be able to bind if an existing account exists.
excellent. installed and worked out of the box. thanks!
if you followedthe instructions avove and not able to make it work you might also need to add this at line 42, same file:
<?php if ( $options['text'] ) : ?><p><?php echo $options['text'] ?></p><?php endif; ?>
yeah! start a movement now! i might try that balloon thing.
fixed the 4 hours later posting on WordPress. turns out i have to really make sure that everybodys time (all users!) is on the correct timezone. not just the admins.
Only thing remaining, really is the sitewide activity. any activity is posting as an hour back. this, despite all settings set to the original time zone of server.
were you able to work out the patch? my sitewide is still running an hour behind. im using my server time.
you can try out feedpress plugin. install in your main blog then get the feed address of your three other blogs. i have same setup as yours and feedpress seems to be working. this is assuming that the main domain you mean is the
awesome! i was able to drag this code around.
<?php if ( function_exists(\'bp_wire_get_post_list\') ) : ?>
<?php bp_wire_get_post_list( bp_current_user_id(), bp_word_or_name( __( \"My Wire\", \'buddypress\' ), __( \"%s\'s Wire\", \'buddypress\' ), true, false ), bp_word_or_name( __( \"No one has posted to your wire yet.\", \'buddypress\' ), __( \"No one has posted to %s\'s wire yet.\", \'buddypress\' ), true, false), bp_profile_wire_can_post() ) ?>
<?php endif; ?>only thing is it brings the whole wire with it. i want to move just the post box. or even just move the post box at the top of wire instead of it being at the bottom.
you can check out the privacy settings ( I would like my blog to be visible only to registered users from blog community ) then maybe edit the log-in page.
gotcha! its a compatibility problem with several plugins i have. which is smartyoutube and competition manager.
i have upgraded to the latest trunk and still the same. also deactivated pretty permalinks. have not edited anything on theme. this is my last one issue. help please?
ive have had months of battling with this same issue. mostly due to plugins. mu or otherwise. special mention, bp-dev plugins. im not sure if this would be the same case as yours but for me what really helped was deleting all the other plugins and not just disabling them either. totally remove them from files and database.
i am using facebuddy done by sgrunt. also not working even with default theme.
here you go love.
as for backticks
, i cant seem to find it in my keyboard but i can copy yours. learn something new everyday!
ohh, geez, sorry, i dont know how to paste a code. dont copy that, its not showing everything. but hope you get the idea.
here’s something i have lying around. i’m not sure where i got it. not very good at records:
function add_about_to_main_menu() {
$class = (bp_is_page(‘about’)) ? ‘ class=”selected” ‘ : ”;
echo ‘<li ‘ . $class. ‘>‘ . __( ‘About’, ‘buddypress’ ) .’‘;
end here.
create this as something like aboutmenu.php then edit the link (href part). this way you wont have to muck around the theme files.
hope that helped!
finally, something i can answer.
your wire is something like facebooks’ wall or your twitter page. it shows any shoutout you or your buddy made for you.
same problem here. clicking add friend redirects to profile. what plugin did you deactivate nightstalker?
my wishlist:
a plugin to move around widgets on profile.
a plugin (wire to ping)
dear sir jeff,
i have gone through all the threads here that has any mention of avatar.
i decided to post a new one since all the others are pre ver 1. and as per your lovely sticky up there, create a new thread. yiheee. i would not be afraid to create a new thread from now on.
my avatars used to work pre buddy press 1. after updating, i now have this same exact issue.
able to upload images but cannot crop, after submitting, avatar image turns to black.
i have followed all of the instruction/suggestion in this thread plus a couple more in others. and yes, i do have 777 on blogs.dir. and GD Image Lib.
it is interesting since i thought buddy press 1, this issue is supposed to be fixed?
To avoid white screen, in any Buddy Press upgrade from pre RC to present, never forget to disable first bpdev plugins if you have them.