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  • @lph2005


    Do you have a link to your website so we can look?



    BP 1.2.10 installed on two wp 3.2.1 networked sites without issue.

    Congratulations on working so hard on BP 1.5. Now – if there was only a way to get the activity stream to be “real-time” … :)




    As always – Thank you!

    The table was in the default.css for buddypress and not the templates default.css. I tried to add it to the wiki default.css file but couldn’t get it to work. Instead, I just modified the default.css for buddypress and now the calendar shows properly.



    Guess it would help to be able to edit this topic but it comes up with an error …

    Meant @mercime



    I’m working through this issue, and it may depend on your server (Apache or IIS) as well as subdirectory vs. subdomain and of course .. whether you want BP across all blogs.

    This is for setting BP across all blogs. Place this into your wp-config.php file

    `define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );`



    The codex is a great resource:

    Please check the permalinks settings: – I prefer day and name.

    In terms of forums, there is a modified bbPress available if you enable this under the BuddyPress settings. Registration page is /register – and can only be seen if you are not logged into the site. Groups must be created. The rest is probably answered in the codex – or you can ask here.

    Enjoy the journey



    Sorry to see this thread. Here are two resources that might help you install BP and troubleshoot blank pages:

    Blank pages:


    @dennissmolek memory limits can be overcome in the wp-config file, too. I’m not sure what happens to wp-settings during an upgrade of WP. Is the wp-settings file potentially overwritten?



    Thank you. I’m trying WPMS Global Content right now. The plugin adds a common header and footer.



    Thank you both. I couldn’t remember the name …

    @pcwriter – do you believe this will give the same look across the network, which uses different themes?



    If you can control memory through .htaccess then I recommend adding `php_value memory_limit 128M` .. or some other value …



    You might start out small. Install BuddyPress and enable just the activity stream; disable everything else. Make sure that the theme css works well with the activity stream. You’ll need to install the BuddyPress template pack. After you are satisfied with the activity stream then change WP install to multi-site. You’ll want to lock it down so that you control creation of blogs – so that you don’t have to deal with splogs. Once you have that working then you can add a few other BP features – private messaging, etc.



    You can see 3.2RC1 on the BP Test site:



    Do you have a link to where you are installing or is this a local test installation?

    This is the process I use for installing fresh copies of WP and BP.

    Install WP
    Change .htaccess to increase memory size and redirect to www
    Login to admin panel
    Set Permalinks
    Go to /wp-admin/plugin-install.php — search for buddypress and install
    Set theme
    Go to /wp-admin/plugin-install.php – search for buddypress template pack
    Install BP pack
    Go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-general-settings and save settings
    Go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-component-setup and save settings
    Go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=bb-forums-setup and setup forums
    Create Group
    Create Forum
    Create Test post

    Please understand that bbPress, bbPress plugin, bbPress BuddyPress are all different products.



    I was making changes last night after posting… and really goofed things up.

    Copied bp styles into styles.css so I could modify them in the child theme and not lose changes when updating.
    Changed color of bp’s subnav for activity to yellow
    Tried height of 25px but the text doesn’t align properly (drops to bottom of area) – thus – it looks ugly.

    As always, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I was stumped.




    Yes and No. I have two sites using the Q&A plugin from WPMU Dev. This plugin works great except buddypress integration is not present. If I recall correctly, the dev wrote interest in adding integration (sorry, I cannot find that link). The plugin is quite good.

    Another approach is to use a Q&A theme and the BP template pack. I did this prior to switching to the plugin. In this case the integration was fine because the WP posts went to the activity stream.

    Hope this helps.



    Interesting concept. Thank you for sharing.





    @mercime – fascinating link. Thank you for sharing it.



    Ah Crystal theme is nice too!



    BuddyPress is a typical open source project. First it relies on the community. Second, there is the typical wax and wane.

    If I recall, there was a push to go through plugins and put notes regarding the status. Maybe it could be done with the release of BP 1.3.



    You might be interested in JJ’s answer to testing bbPress right now:



    Does anyone have any suggestions?



    @dinoraptor101 – I see you posted this same idea in another thread, too.

    I use CloudFlare on buddypress sites and do not have the issues you describe. I am paying for the pro version for the sites and am able to change settings from Basic to Aggressive, etc. Maybe something else is happening on your site and there is a plugin conflict. For example, I removed WT3C because of issues with CloudFlare. Have you contacted CloudFlare?



    Thank you @djpaul for explaining this was php4 v. 5 issue. As you knew, I was guessing global would fix ;)



    Everything works except the attachment plugin not working.

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