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  • @mcpeanut


    Its cool, spoke to them at Kainelabs and the problem I mentioned above is fixed in the new update, I will test your problem soon to see if it’s happening for me too bud.



    @ebh89 Hi mate.

    I have just tried Youzer myself, I wanted to see how it fairs. It’s a neat plugin, but I have not tested this yet, I will let you know if I get the same result.

    There is another issue I can see with Youzer, I am wondering if you can confirm the same.

    I noticed that once Youzer is activated when creating a new status update from the sitewide activity or profile pages, Youzer is now forcing a full page refresh upon clicking the Post button. Can you confirm this for me at your end, please? Also, could you please also mention this in your ticket at Kainlabs (this is something that really needs addressing ASAP)

    I am unsure if I will actually use Youzer in one of my projects yet seeing as these issues are apparent.



    @jonleesky hmm, try this

    /*disable registration bp */
    function my_disable_bp_registration() {
      remove_action( 'bp_init',    'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
      remove_action( 'bp_screens', 'bp_core_screen_signup' );
    add_action( 'bp_loaded', 'my_disable_bp_registration' );
    add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_page', "firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page");
        function firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page($page ){
            return bp_get_root_domain() . '/wp-login.php?action=register'; 

    Let me know bud



    By the way, this solution was originally thx to @r-a-y I believe, I can’t remember it was a looooong time back.



    @jonleesky I posted the solution to this nearly two years ago, I have not tested this code recently but you can try it out.

    function my_disable_bp_registration() {
      remove_action( 'bp_init',    'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
      remove_action( 'bp_screens', 'bp_core_screen_signup' );
    add_action( 'bp_loaded', 'my_disable_bp_registration' );
    add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_page', "firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page");
        function firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page($page ){
            return bp_get_root_domain() . '/wp-signup.php'; 

    What you will need to do is first create a bp-custom.php file (make sure you add the opening and closing tags at the top and bottom ) and put it in your plugins folder, then paste the code between the PHP opening and closing tags and save.

    This should disable BuddyPress registration and let you use WordPress registration as default, hope this helps.



    @jonleesky I posted the solution to this nearly two years ago, I have not tested this code recently but you can try it out. please see this topic



    Hey, @peter-hamilton been a long time mate! Glad you’re still at this, just been to check it out, looking good mate, you remember me right from the last website you created and in these forums? I have one of my own launching at the end of this week I will share with you, its been 2-3 years man since I was really active in here, Just thought I would pop bye seeing as my new build is Buddypress and BBpress once again. I am gonna try to be more active here once again, life has just had me so damn busy man.



    @insearchofasolution no problem mate.

    Seems like you know what you are aiming for so its really down to time and research, you do not need to be a master with PHP to pull this off yourself, although knowing the basics helps. If you can understand what you need to change or integrate you can find answers with a little google searching and quite often you can find various different solutions to similar problems others may of come across.

    About the plugins I mentioned, you should go to the wp-types website and set up a demo install of toolset for yourself, just search the website and there will be an option for you to have a test environment set up for free hosted on their servers where you can test out all the plugin suite, it will even let you install the dummy content for various complex website setups that have been created with toolset for demonstration purposes, it shows what is possible with these plugins when used together as a package. Its worth taking a look at trust me on this one.

    I have only messed with the vendors plugin you have mentioned briefly so I have not tried it out with buddypress but as @sharmavishal has mentioned above you might also want to check out the paid plugin he mentioned to if it has BP compatibility.



    @insearchofasolution Just thought I would chime in on this.

    You would be able to do this but it depends on the approach you take, You could use buddypress for the social network side of things for the messaging between users etc and profile pages/groups etc whilst building a custom user interface for most of the other options you mentioned and tie them together for each user.

    Its good you are clear about what you are exactly wanting to build and its all down to research, You can most definitely create separate vendor pages and account pages using custom post types and fields and creating templates for these pages etc.

    If you don’t know how to do all of this you may struggle though, unless a specific plugin meets your requirements, I myself have been using an amazing suite of plugins over the past year or so that will help you do a lot of this yourself , they are brilliant for creating complex websites and layouts without having to write everything from scratch. You will have to have knowledge of html and css etc at the very least to use them efficiently though, they do come at a cost and you are looking at $300 for the complete set, these plugins are a little more advanced than other plugins to use as they are developer orientated and can be overwhelming at first if you are new to them, but if you stick with them you will start to realize the doors these plugins can open for you on wordpress and can help make your workflow loads faster and make your project come to life. do a search for TOOLSET PLUGINS by wp-types.

    I hope this helps a little bit, creating a complex website as you mentioned above will take patience and time if you are new to doing it, I am in the middle of a few complex builds myself and to be honest with you I now pre-fare to use these plugins for most of my projects now as I can easily create any type of custom post with custom fields and display them via content templates without having to create the templates from scratch on each project.

    The best thing about the custom fields you can create with these plugins is that you can create user specific fields and control access to everything with the access plugin, giving you full control over everything and you can create quite complex membership sites yourself.



    @rlfstars So did you build the website yourself? If you did you should sort of be able to retrace some of the steps you took before Buddypress suddenly quit as you have described, can you explain what you mean a little better about Buddypress suddenly quiting? do you mean certain parts of Buddypress stopped working or didn’t work as it was before? or do you mean Buddypress somehow got deactivated? there must of been something that triggered what you are describing for it to happen in the first place, I am just finding it very strange the way you are describing Buddypress as suddenly quiting.

    First off, try to ask yourself a few of these questions below and think back:

    Did you install any new plugins after you had set Buddypress up and had it working?
    Did you by any chance have Buddypress working with your current theme and plugin configuration or was it all working correctly when it was on another theme?
    How much memory does your wordpress install have allocated to it?
    Did you do a WordPress version update recently? the newer versions of WordPress since 4.0 are known to have broke quite a few older plugins that are outdated or don’t have much support. maybe this could be causing a clash…I dunno?

    I know your site is live and you don’t want to mess things up and maybe you are worried about deactivating some of your plugins, but have you yet tried deactivating plugins one at a time and then with each deactivation tried to reactivate Buddypress?

    In future it may be better for you to also have some form of testing environment too (preferably a local install), this will allow you to test as many different plugins/theme combinations and tweak things such as combining scripts etc before doing the changes to your live website. (This will ensure everything works how it should and nothing is broken). Also please note, I would not recommend you diving into the combining of JS and CSS files etc on a live site as you can often break things and it can be trial and error to get right depending on what plugins/features you are using (this is also a different issue than what you have, I only mentioned it to give you an heads up on the shear amount that your website loads on a per page basis whilst I was looking at your source).

    Other than the above steps it really is hard to help out any more from this end without being able to check it out pal. Like shane said maybe you need to hire someone in to take a look at it all.



    @rlfstars Hi mate, like shane has already mentioned, it would be really hard for anyone to troubleshoot this for you without having access to your account, you said you are the owner and not the ‘web dude’, so the question is why don’t you approach the ‘web dude’ who built the site for you to try take a look at it?

    If you cannot get help from the ‘web dude’ then it may be worth doing some troubleshooting for yourself, what kind of hosting solution is your account using via godaddy? is it shared hosting with limited capabilities and server access? it could well be a memory issue and lack of resources if this is the case, because if you have over 300k users and 200k pending you must be getting lots of traffic and maybe its time for you to upgrade to either a VPS or dedicated server where you have full control over your resource allocation.

    It could also be a plugin conflict, but like shane said without access no-one but you can really troubleshoot the cause.

    Viewing your source code just now and analysing the page with yslow I can see you have some serious amount of JS and CSS loading on each page and I’m a little confused, you seem to be using another social networking plugin called peepso, have you uninstalled buddypress and are now using peepso? Or have you been trying to use these two plugins together at some point? To me this could cause allsorts of mixed results no doubt.

    This is your yslow report and is an insane amount of scripts to be loading on any one page without doing some tweaking and combining of files.

    This page has 75 external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one.
    This page has 37 external stylesheets. Try combining them into one.
    This page has 18 external background images. Try combining them with CSS sprites.

    Anyhows which ever way you decide to go all the best mate and hope you sort it out.



    The reason I havent really mentioned it again for over a year is because I have been so damn busy and I have implemented my own sort of work around by adding an expand/collapse comments button next to the favourite and delete button that lets users close and open all comments at will when scrolling further down sitewide activity, if a post has too many comments they don’t want to read because of this issue they can just click collapse and all the comments will collapse until they re-click it, it was the only solution I could think of and works well, but would be much better if this got fixed as I could then use both.



    @henrywright yes I will add it to trac later today when I have some spare time, there is no need for me to test on the default themes again as it will be the 100th time or more I have tested this over and over and over and over and yes you guessed it over again! for the past 2 years 🙂

    It happens on every single theme that you use Buddypress on, it has never worked as I think it was intended to, its probably been completely overlooked and always has. If you test every version back to Buddypress 1.7 you will find the same issue in every single version of Buddypress up until the most recent, I havent gone further back than 1.7 so if it ever did work it was pre 1.7.



    @ubernaut , Yer maybe your right about adding it to trac directly for attention I think I will wait until morning as its so late and I need sleep, maybe in the mean-time @henrywright could take another read of this as he commented on my original thread over a year ago, but I gave up explaining as no-one was quite seeing what i was getting at back then.

    Ok, fair enough no-one is noticing the problem that this could cause yet because it seems most Buddypress sites just are not active enough to realise this yet for themselves, but I can guarentee that if a few Buddypress websites started to get really popular and used by masses of people this would become a real big issue when it comes to popular activity posts because these posts would just scroll on forever in the sitewide activity.



    Not that I am aware, this is not a recent thing @ubernaut, it is something I have mentioned a few times over the years, this has been happening since I started using Buddypress well over 2 years ago (probs 3 years), The reason I haven’t added a trac ticket is because of how descriptive I have to be when explaining the issue, it may be better that a few mods confirm it and add the ticket to make it easier to explain, I felt like I had to write a story about it above just to explain the issue correctly and make it understandable.

    This is why I keep mentioning feeling baffled as to why after a couple of years no-one else has spotted this??? Maybe its because most websites that use Buddypress don’t often receive more than 5 comments on an activity huh? who knows.



    Hi @imath, I have tried out this plugin and really like it, as was already mentioned in the original question it would be better if users could reposition the image, this way you would not have to worry about what size of image was uploaded, if users were able to select which part of the image should be visible this would stop the auto cropping and make sure users get to see the part of the image that they choose.



    @henrywright @rosyteddy just thought I would update you on my testing of php7, ok so it goes like this, yes the php7 speed improvements are infact amazing but I have a few issues with using it right now because if you use w3 total cache or any other advanced caching plugin then you are forced to use disk enhanced for object cache due to lack of support for Apc cache xcache etc etc.

    It would be great if I could get memcached running along side it but I have tried and failed all day long lol, even though my server is showing memcached as running I just cannot get w3 total cache to recognize it, neither is it showing in my, I know its early and memcached should be available soon and working correctly on php7, so for now im confused a little as to stay with php7 and sit it out for the object caching or revert back to 5.6 with memcached? what do you think henry wait it out or revert? what do you reckon to the pros and cons of this?



    🙂 no probs i was very confused for a second haha



    sorry henry? you lost me with ask my host to deactivate the mail server?

    I do all my own server administration bud and i fail to see what my mail server has to do with the question? you just baffled me lol 🙂

    I was trying to avoid having to do it manually because I have already sets of js combined and served as cached and then move the cached js files to the footer using the plugin, oh well im going to have to undo some things and hunt em down I suppose.



    After thinking about it this is probs not the way to do it anyhows huh henry? buddypress doesn’t even register custom post types does it? you can tell i haven’t bothered for a few months on the buddypress side of things I need to give my head a shake, been awake too long lol, been so busy with server admin and css recently, a case of too much at once.

    So any ideas how I would get this plugin ‘Scripts To Footer’ to work on the buddypress members pages and groups pages?

    See the plugin I am using works flawlessly on ever other page of my website so I dont really want to stop using the plugin just because it cannot be used on single profile and single groups pages, I just need to find a way to make this plugin also move the javascript to the footer on these pages too and all will be good, its been a while since ive come back to this after a break, I really don’t want to undo everything and then hunt the files down and make them load in the footer manually.



    Talking about JavaScript @henrywright, without going off topic or meaning to hijack this thread I have a question for you that you may be able to help me with that’s driving me nuts, you know how we spoke ages ago about combining js scripts etc? well I have a problem on my members pages that is frustrating me, I have all my js files combined how I need them to be and working great on every single page of the website and have all js moved to the bottom instead of being at the top with the use of a plugin.

    Now the problem I have is on a users member/profile pages, on these pages 2 of my js files remain at the top which is causing me problems with another plugin I use on these pages, the plugins all work fine but makes the pages briefly flash when switching tabs, i have narrowed it down to these js files loading in the head that are causing the problem. The plugin I use to move the js to the bottom only supports pages and posts and not custom post types (so it works fine on the activity/members/groups main pages but not in the individual groups or personal members pages), now I have got the code to add the custom post types so that it can move the js to the bottom on the members profile pages but I am not sure what custom post types these pages use?

    The code I need to use is below, but what custom post type should I add for the buddypress personal members pages to be included any ideas?

    function stf_add_cpt_support( $post_types ) {
        $post_types[] = 'project';
        return $post_types;
    add_filter( 'scripts_to_footer_post_types', 'stf_add_cpt_support' );

    sorry @rosyteddy but i only brought it up as henry mentioned JS 🙂



    Ty for this great plugin @shanebp i will try this later and leave a review on wordpress repo.

    I may even be swayed to purchasing the premium version soon as the redirect would come in handy for me when restricting them.



    See that is what confuses me so damn bad @henrywright, these cheap hosts really just cannot be bothered upgrading something as simple as PHP versions, I mean why stay behind the times? it really does annoy me, this is why web design stands still whilst the tech to power it for performance is readily available to those that choose to upgrade, if the majority of hosts was using the latest PHP, MYSQL etc.. then dramatic changes could happen and performance gains would start happening ten fold.

    I am stunned at how many people are still using PHP 5.4 when the major increases came into effect from PHP 5.5 and PHP 5.6 with the introduction of opcache being inbuilt, leaving apc cache in the dust due to it not being developed for future PHP support. The improvements I am seeing in real world performance with each jump since 5.4 is so damn nice.

    I reckon plugin devs should just start using these extra features forcing people to take action if they want to start using these plugins. It is the only way to move things forward, if plugin devs are to scared to make the jump then so is everyone else.



    there are various wordpress plugins that remove it completely or via useroles etc, do a search on the wordpress repository
    do a search for this plugin maybe? Disable WP Admin Bar Removal



    Hmm, Using desktop server is only available on the specific computer you are using, it installs itself for use similar to using xxamp etc and is only a local install, so you would be better off taking your laptop that your running desktop server on to your professor, if your using a desktop then your out of luck. why dont you sign up to some cheap hosting plan and upload it to that if your just using it for testing? you could get the most basic shared server, this way you can access your website from anywhere.

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