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Buddypress is about social networking. For any social net, Favoriting or Liking is a core feature. Favoriting or liking any content, be it Notes or Blog, photo or status, whatever, should be done from Activity / Stream or the content itself. I think it is somewhere in Buddypress Tickets but was never done. Commenting was also NOT both ways at the beginning, later it was developed.
” one can easily favorite a blog post activity and then can see it in My favorites section.” – I wish one could easily. But as I said, “”You read a blog post after hitting a link to the blog post from the activity stream. After reading the FULL blog post, you decide you like it / you would want to read it again. Now, you come back to the Activity page – by now there has been other activities like Comments, Photos, status etc etc and the activity stuff for the blog post has gone lost from view. What do you do ?”” Its not easy at all.
I close this as it seems there is no solution so far. But is worth noting BP is losing out to all other social scripts, mainly becoz of this 3 reasons : one is this, other two are dated status box and lack of any good media plugin.
A little more details to make understand this age old problem in BP :
You read a blog post after hitting a link to the blog post from the activity stream. After reading the FULL blog post, you decide you like it / you would want to read it again.
Now, as there are NO favorite / like button in the page of the blog post itself, you come back to the Activity page – by now there has been other activities like Comments, Photos, status etc etc and the activity stuff for the blog post has gone lost from view. What do you do ?
Having another plugin for Favorit means you have to disable the core BP Favoriting which will mean you cannot favorit status messages etc from the activity stream.@prashantvatsh Many thanks. The plugin you mentioned does not add a favorit button in the activity stream in latest BP. My question was very simple :
You can make comment to a blog post either from the activity stream OR from the blog post itself. Similarly, how can you Favorit a a blog post either from the activity stream OR from the blog post itself ? ( The favorit button is not shown under blog post, but comment box / button is shown.) Please let me know if I am not clear. Many thanks.@prashantvatsh
Thanks for the reply. Yes, comments are enabled. This feature used to work in previous versions but not working with fresh installs of latest stable WP and BP. Can any one test with the same and reproduce ? I tested with both multisite and regular – but no luck so far!@henrywright Thanks. It seems there is no mutual incompatibility between the core plugins.
I would have been more interested in the Photo plugin of Peepso as there is absolutely no good photo / media plugin or as-core-feature in Buddypress even after so many years. Peepso have got the photo feature excellent and fast, and is not dated like Rtmedia or Mediapress. [ Though album is yet to be released I guess]However, the Photo is purchasable add-on [ like Buddypress Rtmedia] and hence to run a test install one has still to pay. Hence the question in the forum to check if anyone has been using the two together. If it works, its okay for me to pay and purchase.
@namrons in which file this code is to be added ?
A similar topic :
Isn’t one always better?
No. If you are thinking of creating a page-specific CSS file and somehow concatenating the parts it needs into that single file, don’t. It seems like, hey, one request is better than three! But then you aren’t leveraging the browser cache at all.
But I will like to know your own practical experiences. Thanks.
@mrgiblets regarding “a bit of a resource pig” – how much? Is it okay with “30+” chatters and the site still loads fast ? Quick chat page says “Before you install Quick Chat please check is you web server sufficiently capable to support number of users you expect visiting your chat at the same time.” but does not say how to check this. Thanks.
@hnla Sorry, my apologies. Please also read “But then, things may change also – who can say –”
I think @mariatrier can get helped by your positive suggestions on her actual problemThanks.
@mariatrier Have a look at this page also’s private messages built in, but this is rather old school. You can’t leave the conversation as you can on FB, you can’t upload files to the conversation etc. I am after something like Facebook chat/messaging system.
Personally I would like PM and chat to be separate. But then, things may change also – who can say – please submit issues with lots of real world example at
Some chat solutions worth looking may be
+1 @mcpeanut
Posted there.@mrgiblets did u visit the link ? BTW today is 1st april
Please submit here
$excluded_user=join(',',bpdev_get_subscriber_user_ids());//comma separated ids of users whom you want to exclude
comma separated ids of users whom you want to exclude
That page also suggests
$excluded_user = implode(',',get_users('role=subscriber&fields=ID'));
Since this thread contains a good amount of discussion, I will humbly beg to share some point of views
“”At one time, WordPress Joomla Drupal and other such software defined the standards for blogging or cms – they were open in all aspects and no product of a private, closed, biggie company equaled their efficacy and reach. They lead and biggies followed. But in the last 5 or 7 (or ?10) years no such software has come up. Unfortunate but true. Its now a world where facebook and the like are ……. Will there be another WordPress or Drupal or Joomla? Time will tell. But probably no. Sad but true. NO!””
“Stallman was one of the first to grasp that, if commercial entities were going to own the methods and technologies that controlled computers, then computer users would inevitably become beholden to those entities. This has come to pass, and in spades. Most computer users have become dependent on proprietary code provided by companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google, the use of which comes with conditions we may not condone or even know about, and can’t control; we have forfeited the freedom to adapt such code according to our needs, preferences, and personal ethics.”
Wishing you all the best @planetearthlings
Not sure exactly what you meant to convey by your reply but your wrong in thinking a single BP/WP site has tens of millions of users are using this platform simultaneously even on I am not talking how many members there are I a am talking about how many people can actively be on a site at the same time before it bottlenecks.
Thanks @bphelp. What I meant was that wordpress com and wordpress org already has plenty of users. If Buddypress was added to this (just as Google added the Google Plus) this user base could go up much, much more. When it would have happened, you could have really known how millions of concurrent users are getting handled by wordpress and/or buddypress. If anyone wants to test for oneself or wants to know how wordpress com (which powers 20% of the net) handles simultaneous users here’s a starting point as well as there are many resources on the net.
FB is not a monopoly. There is other competition out there other than FB so I don’t know where your info comes from. Not to be rude but do you even know what a monopoly is?
May God bless you. I wish this was true. I am not a facebook fan. I will be happy if it just dies like Myspace and Orkut. And I know what monopoly is. If it was the 90’s facebook would have faced anti-trust and other lawsuits like Microsoft did in 90’s. Times have changed. Internet was once a large interconnected network of multiple sites nicely and openly connected by www, email and search engine. Though there were large companies even at that time, there was no one like facebook with so huge amount of data-mining and closed-wall/closed-garden approach. Why do we have to see so many sites just acting as “slave” to facebook with facebook like-buttons, facebook comment-box etc – and they do not even ask me for an option before throwing those buttons and boxes on my unwilling eyes. Youtube has no like-buttons or comment-boxes on other sites, neither has twitter comment boxes on other sites. Many kids these days have no email address but just a facebook account. When WhatsApp was coming up as a real competitor, facebook just gobbled it up by purchase. Sad that WhatsApp could not retain its own independence. If there were just at least 4 or 5 *equally* competing social networks like facebook where peoples’ participation was distributed and ‘load-balanced’ I would not have complained about the “monopoly”. I understand that you are having difficulty in what I am trying to say – I accept that as my failure. But what I am saying is nothing new – even the same concerns have been expressed by several persons openly on the net including Tim Berners Lee, the person who “invented” the http-www protocol and for whom we are enjoying internet as it is now.
I don’t know Matt Mullenweg so I have no affiliation in that direction and I kiss no ones ass to get affiliation because I prefer being humble.
I respect your opinion. What I meant was that if Matt could be inspired or motivated, Buddypress could have reached the next-level. I have posted to Matt several times about Buddypress. And if many did, may be there could have been, may be, a change in the attitude towards Buddypress. Matt is the creator of WordPress and I believe he is the central and key person who can …..
Anyways, there is no conflict in ‘being preferring to humble’ and writing something to him. But obviously you do not think like me. You do not have to. And no problem. I am sure someday someone will pick up the cue and clue and we really will have the inter<—>net that was and the internet of dreams. Thanks to you for your feedback.@bphelp wp com and wp org already has “tens of millions of people flocking”. Only problem is they are reluctant to add BP as a social layer. Google did it with G+. But somehow wp thinks it as a stigma so BP is not added to it.
If it did, it could be bigger. BP has the potential to be the next big thing or at least break the monopoly of fb. But fb invested a lot in seed users and secret/background marketing. Though Automattic seem to have some fund and purchase this compny or that from time to time, interest in BP is nil. Even in this site bp org you cannot use all the features of BP. Can you? Devs have their own reasons and power not to do.
You may write to Matt. See if you can motivate him
@mcpeanut @shanebp I really apologize for that. Did not mean to be harsh or demanding.
At present none of the wordpress or buddypress event plugins has the implementations that any social networking site or social networking scripts has. Event Manager is a good plugin – with respect to front end BuddyPress Simple Events seem to offer no added benefit. Backend – yes, its simple and useful.I appreciate shanebp your effort and releasing this plugin for the community. Though it may not fit my use-case just in its present form, it will sure help many. Once again, my apologies, and thanks.
No, the Devs has not made this yet it seems. I am not sure if this and/or bp menu toggle for responsive views is going to be incorporated in the next version of BP or not. Though it is high time ( or may have passed the high time) for this.
If you are interested or can convince the Devs or can submit patch you may find this thread useful –
Hi Shanebp
Really very grateful for this much needed plugin.
Can you kindly add two things that is present in all social net scripts like Elgg, Jomsocial, Easysocial etc for the “BuddyPress Simple Events”
1) Attending – Yes, no, maybe
2) Integration of the event form with What’s new box
Please see a demo here – it will take one second – other quick points for your kind attention
– it works great in default Twenty-fifteen but as you know this theme is not usable for Buddypress yet – BP responsive themes like Farben-basic breaks when this plugin is activated
– Comments are not in sync – comments made to the Event in the stream do not show under the Event in main page and vice versa [ in contrast Picture album for buddypress – Buddypics by modemlooper has comment and Favorite sync], same about Favorites
– no privacy options – open, closed etc
– admin settings for this plugin should appear under Network administration – Buddypress settings and most Buddypress plugin settings happen here – but this Event plugin has its settings in the main site, not under Network administration setting
– Group Events ( I see there is a paid option, ideally it comes free or paid for both – separating like this is little bit unseen in internet)However, without the ” Attending – Yes, no, maybe” event plugin has no meaning in the current and present day internet – please implement it
Thanks for this nifty plugin. It will help many of us.