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  • @stwc


    @OrlandoDS see above… maybe this is the fix for you too.



    @simple-man this issue has been fixed by the 2.1alpha patch here:

    Thank goodness. It was an issue with a missing field in my wp_signups table, which was there either because I downgraded from a Multisite install or because I have Gravity Forms installed. All seems well now.



    I wrote custom functions.php code to do this last time I touched BP, a couple of years ago. I’m finding myself looking at BP again, and I’m certain my old code won’t work any more, but I’ll post it here if I get it working.



    Crikey. I just did this yesterday, and just FTP-dropped BP 1.5 on top of 1.2.x, upgraded with the wizard thing in the backend, then used the plugins upgrade tool to get to 1.6. With no working search here in the forum and so many missing pages in the codex, I gave up trying to find canonical directions and just went for it. Seemed to work OK. I guess I was lucky.

    Some of my custom functions.php code is broken, but I knew that would happen.



    Ajax fires, actual favoriting code isn’t writing to wp_bp_activity_meta any more. Sigh.



    Hmm. I just tried that, and no joy, so I’m not so sure now where to put the js. In my theme’s custom js, for now, I guess.



    Semi-resolved: I still don’t know why it was happening, but I’ve duplicated and modified the stream event delegation functions (for favoriting) (global.js line 166 or so) and targetted them to the posts container div on the front page instead, and the ajax is firing now.

    Followup question: if I have _inc/global.js in my theme, it’ll override the one in bp-default, like everything else would, yes? And thus be safe from BP upgrade overwriting?



    I *think* I have narrowed it down to the Buddypress template pack, which has kinda confused me since square one, like 2 years ago….



    Er, um. I haven’t done anything deliberate in either direction — just upgraded BP (and the template pack, because I wasn’t sure at all how that fit into things). So, since I don’t have an _inc folder in my theme, I’m assuming it’s coming from BP 1.5.x….?

    Is there a quick reference anywhere for wrangling BP’s js stuff? I must admit after all this time and code, there is still a lot that is very much opaque to me with BP.

    Edit: Back at my dev machine, and I’m definitely loading global.js from the updated BP1.5 default theme.



    @ronia I have renamed BP ‘Favorite’ to ‘Bookmark’ and extended an old version of BP-Like to use with blog posts and comments and other stuff (as well as count ‘likes’ given and received per user), and used the built-in functionality in BP-Like to rename the links to ‘Thanks’.



    Good lord. It’s all just falling apart, isn’t it? I won’t be going to 1.5 at all, by the looks of things.



    There’s a nice hack over on BP-Tricks to rewrite the links back to the original activity (ie blog posts) as ‘calls to action’ as well — ie ‘Comment on this post’ and so on, which makes things a lot clearer for users. You can see it in action in the activity stream at (my site)



    32Mb probably won’t cut it; running any kind of busy BP install on shared hosting is going to be dodgy. I did so for a while on my Dreamhost account before I went for a VPS and it was fine, but you may not be so lucky with other hosts.

    I would avoid Media Temple. Nice site design; not such great service, is what I’ve been told.



    For what it’s worth, I recently tried using mod_php (with XCache and W3 Total Cache, no object caching or minifying) and everything worked except the Activity stream. PHP 5.2 FastCGI seems to be the go, for me, to keep things happy.



    My BP site at is busy and growing… about 400 members at this stage, I think.



    @jtcreate Not sure on that end — I’m more of a front-end kinda guy, with fairly rudimentary server-admin skills. I’m running a couple of VPS’s with 300Mb memory for the MySQL server and 600Mb for the web server, and that’s running a fairly busy BP instance, a very busy forum, and a few other not-very busy sites as well, reasonably happily.

    I did notice a very signification reduction in resource usage after deploying and tweaking W3 Total Cache, though, for what it’s worth.



    BP is CPU and memory-hungry on top of regular WP requirements. Depending on what web host you’re using, if you’re on a shared hosting plan, it may just be dieing due to hard limits on resources. I ran a small BP install (along with other sites) on a Dreamhost shared account for while, but have since moved to a virtual private server, because, well: it’s heavy.

    That may or may not be the problem.



    `Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /path/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/activate.php:3) in /path/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 897`

    As @r-a-y suggests, in my experience at least, that kind of error is almost always malformed PHP files — trailing spaces, unclosed brackets, stuff like that. If you’ve pasted functions into your functions.php or bp-custom.php, look there first, then any other template files you’ve edited.



    I use bp-moderation for that, Pisanojm. It’s abandoned, I think, and has UI problems in the backend, but users can flag content and it shows up in the backend for me. It’s clunky and I wish it was still being actively developed, but it works fine once you’ve edited the admin screen hooks per this to make sure the UI shows up in the dashboard.



    Thanks r-a-y. I’m still kinda vague on how the template pack stuff stitches things together.






    Bookmark post



    I’m getting the redirects errors in my group forums lately as well. Utterly at a loss about how to start trying to track it down, though.

    `[Mon May 30 00:54:15 2011] [error] [client] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use ‘LimitInternalRecursion’ to increase the limit if necessary. Use ‘LogLevel debug’ to get a backtrace., referer:`



    @boonebgorges I’m a pretty much advanced-level BP template wrangler at this point, but I am confused about the instructions for upgrading this, or even if it’s necessary. Everything seems to be working fine as it is, so I’m a little leery.

    I’m using a custom theme I put together, and I’ve got the older BP Template pack enabled. I’ve made major customizations to most of the BP-specific template files in my theme in MyTheme/activity, /groups, /members and so on.

    What I’m very unclear on is what the process would be in upgrading the template pack plugin, and what exactly is going to happen when (if) I do so.

    I’d very much appreciate some detailed guidance on this. Thanks!



    Is this the third or the fourth thread you’ve started with exactly the same question?

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