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BP-FBConnect Plugin

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  • @mesgains


    Hi all,

    I’ve installed Fb-connect on my website. It works fine, but i can’t load the FB user’s picture.

    Is there a special configuration to show the photo ?





    I’m running the latest version of BP RC-1 and a WP MU 2.71



    ok i see. It works with the trunk’s files.



    I don’t install all the components of the trunk.

    I just replace my /www/wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php by the one in the trunk.



    @mesgains – thanks for that. Working perfectly for me now.



    ok, works great in firefox on windows but in in IE8 the button is shifted upwards on home theme and on buddypress fb theme it is moved out of visibility.




    Is there any way to show the facebook login button in other places? I would like to show it as a widget and not beside the login/register buttons.

    All best,




    Beside, I would like to be able to “Invite Friends” from facebook. Is it possible?

    Sociable’s plugin did it… perhaps it could be a good starting point.

    Best regards,




    There’s an errors:

    In the dashboard above each comment i get this

    Warning: Missing argument 5 for fbc_get_avatar() in /home/dansexpo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-fbconnect/wp-facebookconnect/fbconnect.php on line 528

    how to get it work properly.



    WE need a Facebook developer on this project and extend its features.

    Maybe we all look for one and chip-in to hire the person?



    Eureka! For this error in the dashboard

    Warning: Missing argument 5 for fbc_get_avatar() in /home/you/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-fbconnect/wp-facebookconnect/fbconnect.php on line 528

    In line 528 of fbconnect.php say:

    function fbc_get_avatar( $avatar, $id_or_email, $dims, $size, $default) {

    Remove the $dims variable

    function fbc_get_avatar( $avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default) {

    and in line 534

    return render_fb_profile_pic($fbuid, $size);

    Work for me!



    Not sure if it will help anyone but I’ll post it anyway.

    I really wanted to launch my BP site with facebook integration AND Invite facebook Friends as well. And given that Andy said he will probably not be working on the BP Facebook Connect pluggin, well.. I made a rough workaround that did the job.

    Hope it helps.


    – You need to have BP-Facebook Connect installed.

    – You need to have Exec-PHP plugin installed.

    – You need to have Exclude Pages plugin installed (optional)

    Step 1:


    First, I made a new file called invitefriends.php. I put it the root directory of BP.. but you can place it anywhere you want and take care of the paths. This is the code (not sure if it will get throught the parsing functions of this forum… my apologies in advance if it doesn’t):


    $root = dirname(__FILE__); // repeat dirname( as many times as folders levels you save this file… For instance: if you save it in wp-content, it should be dirname(dirname(__FILE__));

    if (file_exists($root.’/wp-load.php’)) {

    // WP 2.6


    } else {

    // Before 2.6



    if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {

    // if the current user is a facebook user, show his/her friends…

    $fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();

    if ($fbuid) { ?>

    <fb:serverfbml style=”width: 100%;”>

    <script type=”text/fbml”>



    action=”<?php echo get_option(‘siteurl’); ?>”



    type=”<?php echo get_option(‘blogname’); ?>”

    content=”<?php echo get_option(‘blogname’).” : “.get_option(‘blogdescription’); ?>

    <fb:req-choice url='<?php echo get_option(‘siteurl’); ?>’

    label='<?php _e(‘Become a member!’, ‘mt_trans_domain’) ?>’ />”>



    actiontext=”<?php _e(‘Select the friends you want to invite.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’) ?>”>





    <?php } else {

    // If s/he is not a facebook user, tell him/her s/he has to be one in order to invite friends.

    echo __( ‘Tienes que haber ingresado como un usuario Facebook para poder invitar amigos.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ );

    $user = wp_get_current_user();

    if (!$user->ID) {

    // if s/he is not a facebook neighter a site member yet… show the Facebook login button.

    echo ‘

    <fb:login-button size=”large” background=”dark” length=”long”></fb:login-button>’;






    Step 2:

    – Create a new page, named it whatever you want (I name it Invite Facebook Friends, in spanish).

    – Exclude this page from the front-page (using the Exclude-Page plugin)

    The code of my page looks like this:


    if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {

    // if the current user is a facebook user, load invitefriends.php into an IFRAME.

    $fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();

    if ($fbuid) { ?>

    <iframe width=”100%” height=”700″ frameborder=”no” src=”invitefriends.php”></iframe>

    <?php } else {

    // If s/he is not a facebook user, tell s/him he has to be in order to invite friends.

    echo ‘<p>Tienes que haber ingresado como un usuario Facebook para poder invitar amigos.’;

    $user = wp_get_current_user();

    if (!$user->ID) {

    // If s/he is not a facebook nor a member… show her/him the facebook button.

    echo ‘

    <fb:login-button size=”large” background=”dark” length=”long”></fb:login-button>’;


    echo ‘</p>’;





    As you can it is a extermelly rough approach… but I’m not a WordPress developer nor a WPMU one… nor a BP one… I’m not familiar with the plugin framework of WordPress so I tried to do my best.

    I hope it helps.



    Oh! I forgot step 3… :)

    I added a text widget that shows the Invite Friends Page… and it is shown only when the current user is a facebook user:


    if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {

    $fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();

    if ($fbuid) {

    ?><p style=”text-align: right; margin-right: 5px;”>

    Invita a tus amigos!








    @BingoNeighbour you re welcome.

    @Wcastillo thanks for your code i ll test it today on my website.



    I have had problems installing this on WPMU 2.7 … The buddypress files go in mu-plugins/ but the fbconnect go into plugins/ ? I have had lots of problems with this install. I have ripped this all out to start again. Do I install to mu-plugins/ or plugins/ ? Is there a test I can run before I add the fbconnect part to be sure I have it all right before I install this? I have been doing fine up to this point, it seems; just wondering where I’m hanging up. Many thanks for the help.



    you have to put the bp-fbconnect dir and bp-fbconnect.php within the wp-content/plugins directory to make it work.



    I am as confused as Evilpepperman. First, I installed it in wp-content/mu-plugins. The result is that it works in the Admin area, I can enter API etc. But it doesn’t appear on the home theme. Second, I moved everything to wp-content/plugins but no nothing happens at all?? Please help! Thanks!




    I have installed the trunk version of on my site . I used the link for installation — After that i proceeded installing BP-FBConnect Plugin, using the link I downloaded the to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. After that i extracted it. I have not performed any further steps in the installation. However when accessing my site and logging in, the fconnect plugin is not listed at all.

    Please advice. is there further steps involved in the installation. Thanks in advance.





    Using the default BP Theme, latest WPMU 2.7 and BP Trunk … the FB Connect button is not showing when logged out as expected.

    After activating the plugin and creating a fb application for my blog, I don’t see anywhere to enter the API Key or Application Secret. The only option in buddypress is to activate, am I missing something?

    On the FB side, are there mandatory settings that need to be inputted other than Connect URL and Base Domain?



    I’ve go this installed on my WPMU and have linked it to the Facebook Developer with the API. The login button doesn’t appear anywhere on the home page, though. If I put the code snippet for the comments page into the header.php, it shows up (awkwardly), but it seems like it should show up without me doing that.

    Am I missing something, or am I supposed to edit the header.php code? If I should, can someone be so kind as to tell me where to place it? I blog, but I don’t do code. :)



    does this plugin still work with the latest wpmu 2.7.1 and bp rc 02 as i cant see it in plugins menu

    is it meant to now go in plugins/buddypress




    yes it works, i’m getting the error “Warning: Missing argument 5 for fbc_get_avatar() in /home/spoodle/public_html/2/wp-content/plugins/bp-fbconnect/wp-facebookconnect/fbconnect.php on line 528”

    I know this is a common error previously can someone tell me how to fix this? i’m running latest wpmu 2.7.1 and latest trunk…

    it seems to work all fine, jsut this error within the dashboard…

    to find the plugin location in dashboard its “settings” and should be “face book connect”



    i also have the line 528″ error.. i remember there there being a fix but i could find it.. ??



    I’m getting the “Connect with your Facebook Account” message and no button as well.

    Latest WPMU 2.7.1 and BuddyPress trunks. Activated via the plugin menu as directed, API license keys entered. Browsers closed, cache cleared, etc. This is a brand new install of WPMU and BP.

    I’m looking at the code and since i’m not familar with Facebook, i’m not getting any clues yet (the HMTL output is exactly the same vs. what appears on However this might be a clue: upon loading the homepage I get a javascript error:

    Error: FBConnect is not defined

    Line: 153

    Is anyone else experiencing the “lack of a button” getting this js error? I’m going to try to track it down.



    this plugin doesn’t work with latest trunk bp has changed a bit

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