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BuddyPress-Links 0.4.x Releases and Support

  • @mrmaz


    I just tagged BuddyPress links 0.4-beta. Please test in your development environment and report any issues on this thread. Please do not post a bug unless you see the behavior with the default theme activated to rule out child theme issues.

    !!! This version upgrade updates every link entry in the database to populate a new field, so back up your data !!!

    Here are the changes for this version:

    * Initial group integration support added

    * Added profile and group sharing features

    * Create link directly from user profile and group pages

    * Moved link list update/error messages to inside the current link’s LI block

    * Added external link icon next to main link URL on the link list

    * All link list targets and rels are no longer set by default and must be explicitly set with a filter

    * All link list content is now separately filterable for finer control over URLs and content

    * Load members profile links using plugins template instead of members home action

    * Link description can be configured as optional with a constant.

    * Usability fixes to the link create/admin form (props Mike Pratt)

    * Heavy duty javascript refactoring

    Download here:



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  • @gasparking


    Hi Mr Maz,

    The 0.4.1 version almost resolved the filtering problem with languages (in my case french).

    There are still problems with filtering links that are under a category that contains accents.





    e_loader.toggle() references a class called “ajax-loader” and that class is in fact used in various spots within the HTML. But, there’s no CSS tied to the class (v0.4.1), and I don’t see any code that would inject a message or image into that span. So it appears to me that something is missing, which would explain why simply toggling the span visible/non-visible via e_loader.toggle() doesn’t do anything on my test platform.

    Or maybe I’m wrong? Does anyone else see some kind of message or image while the plugin fetches page information when posting a new link? It should appear right by the “URL” label above the input field.




    It doesn’t work for me either. I must have removed the ajax-loader by accident at some point.



    How to trim title in the Links Widget? How can i do this? could it come standard as most links I see come thru have the long blogger seo titles (titles who themselves need titles :) I know it can be edited first thing when adding it but I’d like to keep those super duper titles for the single pages.



    I have the links plugin installed and it seems to work for anyone with the title admin – but so far – when creating links – no one with a membership can see the link even if they are in that group. The only way they can see the links is if the link is public to everyone. Strangely – even if this member creates a link in a group and makes it for friends only (group) – they still won’t be able to see their own link created unless public. Any suggestions?



    Hi MrMaz, I think your plugin is super! I do have one question, we are building a buddypress pay site and we want to hide all of the tabs except for a few pages if the user is logged in. Where can I find the code that creates the “Links” navigation in the top header so that I can hide it if the user is logged in or not? Also, can “Links” navigation item be changed to the word “Videos” instead? It seems like both of these would be easy fixes once I knew where the code is, or is it more complicated than that? Thanks in advance for your help!



    @mrmaz Just added support for your plugin to my “CubePoints Buddypress Integration” plugin :) I’m using the following do_action’s (bp_links_create_complete, bp_links_cast_vote_success, bp_links_posted_update, bp_links_delete_link). So if you ever change them please let me know because it will stop working on my plugin.



    Hi Mr. Maz,

    thanks a lot for all your great work at Buddypress. Your link-plugin is great.

    Last weekend I was playing around with a friend on the link-component, and we had some ideas and questions, we would like to ask you:

    1. How about adding sub-categories?

    2. Is there a way to add custom-fields to links?

    3. It would be great if your plugin would recognize the most common formats, like *.pls, *.mp3 … and display a play button for them.

    Are you planning to add these features in the near future?

    Thanks, Sven



    The plugin is not 100% update friendly, if I disable buddypress the site crashes.
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_load_template() in /data/wwwcust/sv3-132/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-links/bp-links-core.php on line 277

    I fixed this bug for my version with if ( defined( ‘BP_VERSION’ ) )
    * Use this only inside of screen functions, etc
    * @param string $template
    function bp_links_load_template( $template ) {
    if ( defined( ‘BP_VERSION’ ) ){
    bp_core_load_template( BP_LINKS_THEME . ‘/’ . $template );

    and wp single:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_site_admin() in /data/wwwcust/sv3-155/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-links/bp-links-admin.php on line 20

    I changed:
    if ( !is_site_admin() )
    return false;
    if ( !current_user_can(‘level_10’) ){
    return false;




    HI Mr Maz, i am having a difficulties in using and managing the links.

    I have already created a few categories for my links and tried to post some links in each of the categories.
    But the problem occurs for some of the category filtering where not all of the categories are were correctly filtered.

    For an example.
    i have category A, B C and D
    When i go to the links page it will show all A,B,C,D filters in one list
    when i filtered for category A, it works fine
    but when i filter category D to be viewed, it has an error on it (where it fails to filter the right category i choose in the category drop down list)… How can i fix this?

    i’ve deleted the links and the category and created a new one, but i still happening again

    Any solution for this? By the way this plugin is a good plugin. Thanks



    Terrific plugin! Using BuddyPress Links 0.4.1 (with BuddyPress 1.2.3, WPMU 2.9.2). Some feedback:


    – When viewing a link in the Links tab, the A tag of the external link icon needs a target=”_blank”.

    – Would be nice to have “Report Broken Link” and “Flag as Inappropriate” buttons for each link (or may be simply “Report” to save space, and it popups to “Report Broken Link” and “Flag as Inappropriate”). Then have that status show up in the Manage Links page as two additional columns. And also have a way of filtering and showing just broken or inappropriate links in the Manage Links report. And also have a way to clear status. Perhaps record user who reported the status (in case that user is falsely reporting and should be banned).


    – Instead of 3 entries in the BuddyPress dashboard menu (i.e.: BuddyPress Links / Manage Links / Edit Categories), have only one entry “Links”. Then divide the admin page into tabs: Settings, Links, Categories, Support, About.

    – The “Search Links” box and the “Search Categories” box (on the Manage Links and Edit Categories pages, respectively) are not in the same vertical location. “Search Links” box is above the heading, “Search Categories” is below the heading.

    – Disable the “Delete” buttons if no Links/Categories selected to delete.

    – When doing a search (Search Links / Search Categories), add a “Show all Links” / “Show all Categories” button/link to clear the search criteria.

    Manage Links page:

    – Make all the A tags (Details / Owner / Edit) have target=”_blank”.

    – Link the link avatar to the destination URL (with a target=”_blank”).

    – If hover over a link avatar, show full size image in floating popup (like a tooltip).


    – Have a setting to enable/disable rel=”nofollow”.

    – Have 3 checkbox settings to hide a link if it: (1) goes below a specified negative rating (e.g.: -10); (2) is flagged inappropriate a specified number of times; (3) reported broken a specified number of times. The link’s owner would still see the link but with a warning.

    – Have a setting to specify what avatar to show if none specified. First radio box would be “default avatar”, following by radio boxes to select screen snapshot thumbnail from the various snapshot website services.



    Icons thumb_up.png and thumb_down.png are both red.
    Make thumb_up.png green.



    I’d like to use buddypress-links instead of “home”. How can I do that?

    Is there a similiar functionality as it is for the activity stream?



    I’m having an issue when I hit “Fetch Site Details,” nothing happens. No freezing, whitescreen or errors. Just nothing happens. I haven’t been able to find a conflict. Anyone else have this?



    HI, I’m using your Buddypress links plugin which I think is great but the only issue I have is that the ”Links” Link which is automatically added to the nav bar for my site also adds it to my subdomains which would be fine if it pointed the link on the subdomains to like it does on the main domain. Instead on the subdomains it points to which displays a page not found error. -I’m using wordpress mu 2.9.2, the latest buddypress install and Buddypress links Version 0.4.1. Any thoughts on how to fix it or is the versions I’m running not compatible? I tried activating the pluin both site wide and not site wide and it happens in both cases. I appreciate any feedback.




    Am I the only one having a problem with the widget?
    Everything is on top of each other and smashed together. Is it just me, I can’t believe no one would have mentioned it.

    Sorry, no link to show since I can’t exactly leave it on my live site like that.
    Is this a bug? Are the images only supposed to be a certain size to display properly in the widget?
    Did I mess a setting somewhere?

    Any help is appreciated.



    @eborg9 Do you mean like this?

    Granted, I’m using Atahualpa so not blaming the plugin. That being said, if anyone has any ideas on how to fix my linkage that would be awesome! Aside from the way it looks on my site, the plugin ROCKS!, thanks!




    WOOHOOO, with a little CSS help, got things fixed up with my links plugin and I love it.



    “Notice: This plugin is under heavy development, and is not recommended for production environments!”

    @MrMaz is it still under heavy development,??? we’re waiting for a stable version…. :)



    @nickmy I thought somewhere in this stream of comments mrmaz stated that stable was released 0.4.1?

    Try it out on a test site install and see how it fares, but try and separate styling issues from plugin script ones.



    really ???





    Is this plugin going to continue to be supported or has the author decided to deprecate it in favour of bp core development? (rumors)

    Just installed it on a plain vanilla, WP 3.01, BP 1.252, no other plugins, default bp theme.

    It won’t accept any links. Looks like everything works until hitting the Finish button. Complains about completing all fields. All is complete except that hitting the Fetch Details button does nothing. I can see a momentary flash of a Description field sometimes before it complains about completing all fields, but no description field is actually presented for input.

    I have found other questions about no response on hitting Fetch Details, but I have seen no solution.

    With WP Debug turned on, BP Links also renders a bunch of “deprecated” errors and and index warnings — which I don’t care about as they don’t *appear* to have any functional impact.

    This is a marvelous plugin and it appears that many are able to get it functioning fine.

    Since I have nothing unusual or complicated going on, any suggestions about what might be the problem.



    @gregfielding did you ever get a reply to your question about Fetch Set Details doing nothing?

    I have same problem and it means no links get added. If you have a solution, much appreciated.




    i have just a question about how i can disable all integration with (Profiles, Directory, Activity Stream, Widgets, Notifications, Admin Bar, Admin Dashboard) and let only the admin add ing the links (just

    thanks for answer.

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