Tweetstream (twitter plugin) Beta testers needed!
I created a plugin that syncs twitter with users activity feeds.
The plugin in ready to be released but i need some beta testers to see if the plugin works well.
Want to help test this plugin? PM me!
p.s. plugin is for buddypress 1.2
Back to the failing authorization issue; had a trawl through the Epi*.php files and noted in one that you were using json it then occurred to me that I didn’t have json compiled in my version of PHP so set about adding ijson 1.2.1 in the hope that this was possibly the issue and also upgraded to your latest version – sadly no luck still getting the same failure.
Out of interest to what version of php are you testing, I’m running 5.1.6 largely due to the fact that RHEL CentOS 5.3 only provides up to that version in it’s package repo and it’s somewhat problematic finding a repo that has higher version and ensuring package dependencies are maintained.
@hnla, json is supported from php 5.2.0 need to update the requirments from php 5 to php 5.2.0.
I am testing it on php 5.2.12
I realise there is support for json in 5.2, but have added it to my version quite happily; are you in effect saying that the plugin will only work with PHP 5.2? if so that’s tough I can’t rush at upgrading PHP as I want package dependencies preserved and had issues trying to install update from a different repo. My only other server with WPMU/BP is a live production one and I am in the midst of preparing an update from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 so can’t test tweatstream on that at present. It’s a shame as I don’t really like rolling out plugins on a live site until I have tested them localy and on live test site. Guess I’ll have to set up a new site on the production server which does run php 5..2 with yet another install to worry about
Hmm active 23 hours ago ???? is this that same bug that the activity stream suffered from in 1.1.* (sorry off topic!)
@PeterHofman — I upgraded my hosting account to PHP 5.2, and Tweetstream installed just fine, so that was the problem.
Works great, just two small issues I noticed:
1) If you select the option to have the tweet link back to your user profile, URL-shortened link appeared in the tweet on Twitter, but it was not hyperlinked (it was just unlinked text)
2) some typos on the user settings page (“Options”, for instance, says “Otions” — missing a “p”)
Great work on the plugin.
Well I am running 5.2.6 and still have the tweetstream activation issue.
Did you get my pm with the login details?
Hi Peter thanks for the great plugin, but I am having trouble authorizing my twitter and buddypress account. I am using my own BP theme and when I click the link to authorize when it comes back to the page it just has the link again, not the settings page. I have tried 2 different browsers, checked the settings (there is no www in the return url) but nothing seems to get it past this point. I am using WPMU 2.9.2 and version 1.1.8 of your plugin with BP 1.2.1. Thanks for your assistance.
@Guru06, can you send me a link and if possible a testaccount on your bp install? so i can see what is going wrong?
New version! Version 1.1.9 just released.
Grab it over here:
* Fixed cron updates added messages as admin
* Added Italian translation.
* Added Turkish translation.
* Fixed typo in language file
* Added admin option to turn off syncing to bp for all users
* Added admin option to set max import of tweets per user.
I still do not see a tweet after saving a forum topic.
@roydeanjr can you send me a example link of a topic you tried to twitter?
@Peter I figured it out, for some reason it would not allow the main admin account to authorize , but when I logged in with my test account it worked just fine. Is that by design?
I installed the plugin – enabled the settings/authorized the account and didn’t do anything over the weekend. (this is on a test install with no active users)
Then I got this message yesterday:
This is a notice that your OAuth token for VWGroups has been suspended from interacting with the Twitter API.
Please make sure that your application follows Twitter’s policies, including the Twitter rules, the API rules, and the automation rules.
To request for your token to be re-enabled, please write to
is the plugin polling too much?
I’m having the same authorization issue. Was looking for you in IRC. I have my keys defined but I am using a 3rd party theme. Could it be the same thing that guru noticed that it doesn’t auth correctly for admins?
@guru, hmmm strange should not be any problem. it’s an wpmu wright?
@etiviti, can’t be a polling problem, the polling is way below the rate-limit.
Had nobody else with this problem, do you use more services that uses the twiiter api?
@symm2112, Sorry busy tonight for my upcoming wedding
can you try it whithout an admin account?
Negatory good buddy. I tried it without an admin account but also noticed that I have no key being populated in the url as well. I also tried deactivating maintenance mode in case that caused problems because I have seen it happen with other plugins.
@symm2112, but the big question does it work now
Oh sorry. Guess that was confusing. No it still doesn’t work. I get the blank key in the oauth URL like the others and hit the “woah there” page about the token already being used.
Yeah you get that page when the key is blank in the url. Still don’t know what causes that
you do see the key in the admin page right?
This is an odd one you would have thought it would be a glaringly obvious why the failure to add the key to the url.
Peter can we just confirm something or not for the record. What version of PHP does TweatStream need i.e will it only function with 5.2 although Anointed has already confirmed using 5.2 but still having the issue.
Is it json that TweatStream relies on ? I installed json to my 5.1.6 but perhaps with 5.1.6 it will never function?
I have determined that the problem with posting to twitter is associated with changing the default for the To Twitter checkbox. When it is changed to default to checked then nothing goes to twitter. When I uncheck/recheck the box the plugin writes a twitter record. Appears that the #twitter text is not written as part of the post data when the box defaults to checked.
A user might check the box, see the strange text added and decide to delete the text before posting update. I would write the text in a hidden type fashion if that is possible.
You could check it out at
@Peter: unfortunately I have to confirm the authorizing issue – failure to add the key to the url, landing on the “woah there” page about the token already being used …!?
My environment: PHP 5.1.4-Debian-0.1~sarge1, CURL support enabled (libcurl/7.13.2 OpenSSL/0.9.7e zlib/1.2.2 libidn/0.5.13), WPMU 2.9.2, BP
… is there a way to do authorization manually? How should an uri with “authorize?oauth_token=” look like?
Bug alert!
Tweetstream conflicts with Forum (bbpress). Specifically, users cannot edit their forum posts/comments (or at least comments) when tweetstream is active.
Peter, I set up a vanilla WPMU/BP setup that duplicates the error; contact me for private link.
Why does this remove the @ from postings when you tweet it? And second how can I get this functionality back?
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