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  • @binutz


    Thanks a lot vapvarun for the suggestion. I will try it out! Looks like it is going to solve my issue…



    I had a similar requriement and adding the above specified code in bp-custom.php caused login &log out problem with admin user. As an alternative step,I added the same code in wordpress/wp-config.php – in the bottom of the page, just below the following line:-
    /*that’s all,stop editing!Happy blogging.*/
    Hope this helps.



    Thank you for the response. I created a file named bp-custom.php in the plugin folder and added the code specified above into it. Unfortunately,it didn’t work!
    However,it works when I add the same code into wp-config.php file.
    Only issue that I find with this method is that it always redirects the logged in users to profile page bypassing the activity update. I would like to be redirected to activity updates after loging in. All I need is to show up the profile page when the profile avatar or the user name is clicked ,in the Members page. Can it be done anyway?



    Thank you for clarifying.It was a great help from your end.




    I was able to achieve the desired result by slightly modifying the code suggested by Mercime.
    here is what UI have done .
    Instead of “pad-registration” I added =”padder one-column” in my register.php

    In my style .css ,I added div.padder one-column { padding: 19px; }

    All modifications have been done only in my child theme folder only.

    Is this method advisable?

    Instead of commenting the line:218 (1.6.5) at the end of the file // get_sidebar( ‘buddypress’ ); in child-theme/registration/register.php, Can I remove the same? Will it cause any issue?



    I figured it out now !
    The 19px Padding that surrounds the registration form is not showing up! which means 19px boarder around the text content of the registration form, in the registration page is missing.

    I found it out by inspecting the elements using firebug.
    Looks like the code that i have added in register.php is causing some interference.

    Hope it is a minor problem.




    Thanks to you all for the help.
    The code which you had posted removed the side bar perfectly.!
    But a new issue has cropped up now!

    The left,Top and bottom margins of the registration form have been disappeared now. And therefore,the text in the left hand side of the form (Create an Account & Account details) starts from the border of the registration form.
    Similarly, “complete sign up” button is touching the border of the form at the bottom.

    Right hand side of the form looks normal.

    Any quick fix solution is available to rectify this?




    Thanks for your comment. In fact, you guessed it right! I had slightly modified the register.php file by inserting some html tags. I deleted register.php from registration folder in my child theme and replaced it with a fresh “register.php” copied from registration folder/ BP Default theme folder. subsequently,I edited the code on line 278. This time side bar column appeared “empty” leaving a faint vertical line(top to bottom) that separates registration form and the sidebar.

    Whenever I add the script “body.registration #sidebar { display: none; }
    body.registration div#content div.padder { margin-right: 0px; border-right: none; } in my style .css in my child theme folder , registration page appears full width by covering the empty space left by the side bar.However it shows up only Google Mozilla Firefox “empty sidebar” remains.
    I have copied the code of my register.php to pastebin for your reference.

    All I want to do is to make registration page and members page full width. Hope help is at hand.



    Thanks for the advice.
    I tried what you had suggested. It did not remove sidebar .
    It leaves the following symbol at the bottom of the page on the left hand side.
    /* */
    Is there anyway to get rid of sidebar by css modification?
    Is it possible to use html code to hide side bar?



    I have edited register.php in child theme as follows inside opening and closing php tags :-

    // get_sidebar( ‘buddypress’ );

    I hope I have done it correctly…



    Thanks for the feedback.

    My child theme is active. I have refreshed the browsers(Chrome & Firefox). sidebar is still appearing.

    My current style sheet entry (child theme) is as follows:-
    Theme Name: bpchild
    Theme URI:
    Description: Dark theme for BuddyPress.
    Version: 1.6
    Author: Binu
    Author URI:
    Template: bp-default
    Tags: buddypress, two-column, grey, dark
    /* Inherit the default theme styles */
    @import url(

    ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css );
    /* Inherit the default theme adminbar styles */
    @import url(

    ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css );

    url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default


    I have edited register.php in child theme as follows:

    I hope I have done it correctly…

    Is there any plugin available to remove sidebar from registration page?
    Can this be done with css modification in any other file?



    Thanks for your response.
    I just tried that too.but ,Side bar still shows up.



    In fact, I tried the steps mentioned by you in one of the old threads ( . Style.css modification with code specified removes the side bar in Google chrome browser ,leaving a small faint vertical line of about 1 centimeter length. However,in Mozilla firefox not change appears.
    When I checked the element in Chrome with a selector, it shows ” div.padder 224 x 38 px ”

    I tried editing register.php in my child-theme-folder/registration/register.php by replacing div class=”padder” with div class=”padderwide” as you had specified in the post. But it distorts the page alignment. Moreover,I was not able to find out the line ” [?php locate_template( array( ‘sidebar.php’ ), true ) ?] ” in register.php

    Hope this information is sufficient..



    Thanks for the quick reply.
    I am using BP-Default- with a child theme



    “WordPress Access Control” plugin can be of some help in hiding the pages from non-registered users..

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