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  • @djsteve


    I’ve had to do this with a few sites – be glad you are not doing it as an upgraded 2.9 wpmu to wp 3.0 – if you still need help hit me up – if you could email your wp-config file that may show most issues.. or not.



    have they checked their junk mail / spam folders?
    If your users aren’t happy about this, just wait until they start using it – lol it’s a crude work in miserable progress imho – the signup issueS are just the beginning. I would consider buddypress more of a hobby thing for those who want to spend long hours in multiple forums trying to hash out why everything does not work well together. You will find spam robots have no problem signing up and activated dozens of accounts daily. Once your users actually get activated they will have a great time trying to sort out real blog posts from spam, they may wish they never signed up in the first place – especially if they create their own group.



    I was just poking around for a way to mass import groups into my three buddypress sites.
    I would like to create 100 groups on one install, and then import those groups into my other buddypress sites without having to manually create them one by one, 100 times, on three sites. Does anyone have any idea if this is possible?



    I joined it, and downloaded it – but have yet to use it.. apparently the plugin requires a “phone home” to one of the wpmu dev computers every time someone or some spammer tries to sign up – and you need to have a current subscription to their premium service in order for that part to work… I asked in their forums (as a paid current member) if the other parts of the plugin will still work if I discontinue my monthly paid subscription to wpmu dev premium – and I got no response about that.. so I have yet to install it – as I can not see paying every month for the rest of my life…

    there has also been discussion about using the plugin to go through all of your past members and looking for splogers – and apparently it will not work for that – only for new signups…

    Right now my hope is that bp-registration options ( ) will incorporate some of the tricks from TTC ban hammer ( )and that the buddypress code will actually make it easier for us stop spmmers – right now buddypress ignores wordpress’ ban email domain features – and that just sucks – the bp registration options stops about 80% of the spammers from being able to post – but there is something in the BP code that lets some of them scoot right through, even with hashcash plugin, SI captcha plugin, and the BP registration Options running – buddpress wastes about 3 hours a week of my time simply deleting sploggers… but hey there are new features coming soon right? LOL



    not exactly what you are describing – but may be helpful if it is actually functioning at this point –
    and perhaps it could be tailored more towards the other plugin you are describing?
    I think there is a beta release for download, even though the group home still says it’s not released.. the plugin author is a pretty busy guy I believe.



    I have not tested it yet – and not sure if it is even functioning – but it is in active development –
    may want to see if that helps you out at all..
    I think functionality for bp documents uploads has been suggested, and avatar issues would certainly make a good add on, along with bp-albums support.
    not sure if all of those have been suggested in the moderation plugin group yet.



    Has anyone made any progress with this? Will we have buddypress checking for banned email domains soon?
    Will we have buddypress checking for banned domains upon registration and perhaps even again upon activation?
    Can someone please add the possibility to add *.info in a way that works
    I know this won’t stop all spam and splogs – but I am getting tired of deleting a dozen spammers every day that are mostly from the same dozen domain names that I have added to the block list. This would save lots of people hlaf the splog deletions, and that adds up to a lot of time saved.
    BTW – has anyone tested buddypress with TTC Spam Bot Registration plugin ( )to see if there are any issues? I am guessing it may still be bypassed by buddypress even if it worked in WP?



    I was just thinking today how the light blue is hard to see the past couple of days.. but it may have been fine on my old monitor – I just got a 24″ acer lcd – it’s very bright. and it is certainly not easy on the eyes looking for the small light blue in the midst of such a large white space… I haven;t tried calibrating it – but with 24″ of white pixels combining – it’s just plain bright to look at… I wonder if anyone has developed a css color changer for registered users to select a favorite color scheme for viewing buddypress sites? It would be nice to have a button under our profile name to go custom colors – of course I would like those to be limited to a few presets that are approved by admins perhaps..



    Talk about things broken – ugh – I think perhaps we might need to label the topics that get posted in groups / the updates that people post. I can’t find a reliable way to search them using the buddypress search.
    Also, wow. I just had a devil of a time finding this thread right here. I went to my profile and searched in my activity – and couldn’t find where I had posted to this thread, or several other threads in my activity. I even did a search for my username, and buddypress did not find me in forum topics or even in members. This is pretty bad, seriously needs some fixing! I had to go to google and does a to find – ended up going through my history to find this thread.
    *EDIT* – my activity has mysteriously re-appeared, now making it easier to find the things I commented on – I guess that is a temp bug or something that may not need fixing now – LOL



    When inside a group – there should not be another tab called home – very poor design choice there.. even if it was “group home” it would be better… but perhaps it should say “latest group activity” although I guess that wouldn’t be accurate if someone click to filter there.. unless that tab changed names.. either way – home is not the best choice there…
    It would be nice to have a “search the group” or search this group’s forum box next to the rss button near the top..



    First thing I would like to see fixed – the “next page(s)” as I will call them for groups, and members, and other sections of the site appear in the top right of those views – that should really be placed at the bottom of the groups, and members, and forums, and plugins page views. I spent 10 minutes looking for all the plugins on the extend page one day – and I thought we only had 25 plugins – after pulling my hair out and going around the site.. I realized that after viewing all 25 plugins, I had to scroll all the way back to the top to click next page – this is the same for several areas of the site. At least some pages have “load more” at the bottom – but most pages lack navigation at the end of page where it should be.



    buddypress does what you are wanting with both blogs and social, it works for me with the WPMU version of wordpress. From what I understand some people have it working with the new wordpress 3.0 series that is in kind of a testing phase at this tine. I am not sure if any blog themes have come that match the current default buddypress theme exactly – but it wouldn’t be hard to sculpt a WP theme like painter or constructor to be very close in most details.

    But what you are asking, is exactly what buddypress does. I would go back over all the of the installation instructions, and recheck all the steps and settings. If you are trying to use regular wordpress, and not wordpress mu – that may be an issue – haven’t tried that yet. Maybe there is another setting that is not in the instructions for that?



    Isn’t there a plugin called “bp-group-documents” (or something like that) – that allows uploads of pictures and such to groups? I would check that one out – when it I used it, it was kind of primitive, seemingly just freezing when you clicked upload – but I could tell it was transferring the picture by the browser message. After a long time it seemed to work to uploads pics to the group, and showed activity of it in the stream. I wish it had a little graphic saying please way – the file is uploading – but maybe it does now – anyway, it may be what you need.



    I added captcha – and I still get multiple signups from the same dozen or so email-domains, even though they are already in my blacklist..

    I am checking on another hunch today… I think there is a possibility that maybe having the same entry twice in the blocked domains could be causing an issue with it not working – that seemed to make it fail once before… I just pasted the domains I had banned into a spreadsheet and then sorted it alpha – and I had the same domain listed several times in several instances… now to clean it up and try it again.. I now have 437 banned domains in my list.. maybe there is an issue there?

    Maybe these qualifiers should be added to the trac for fixing? on buddypress and maybe mu?

    I will read the spam spam spam thread and see if there is anything else I can do as well.



    This has been a wordpress mu issue for a while off and on.. I discussed an idea about at mu forums:


    I too have noticed that even putting domains in the block list seems to not stop future registrations. Here is a thought of mine.

    MAYBE a spammer actually signs up 100 new accounts, and then only activates one a day. So even though we have added his domain to the ban list for signups, he still has 99 more that have been signed up, but not yet activated?

    If this is the case I would like to see MU add core code that checks to see upon activation if the domain they originally used to signup has since been banned, and then prevent them from activating if it has.

    Just a thought, not sure if this is the case – but it may be worth looking into.


    It was suggested that I add this suggestion to the trac, ( )

    but I really don’t know how to use that thing…

    not sure that it is a buddypress specific issues, but I DO believe that the spammers are looking for buddypress phrases when compiling their lists of sites to hit…



    Has anyone created code or released a plugin that would combine this functionality with something that will display blog author in a buddypress user’s blog sidebar?

    I poked around the MU forums and found some similar plugins, This one

    Sounds very close to what I am envisioning.. I am considering testing that plugin, with the one mentioned above in the first post of this thread, and the “blog-defaults” plugin to see if I can get all of my user’s blogs to have a widget auto added in a new default theme that will display their avatar, and a link to their buddypress profile.

    Has anyone does this already and have any advice or code to share?



    I have similar issues, and I have been pondering possible reasons this occurs.

    I take the time to copy domain names that spammers com from, and add them to the mu-options as domains that are not allowed to create an account. I find that even after doing this, sometimes I get several more members with those email addys.. sometimes not.. the past week has seen a lot.

    There was a time a few months ago when it was a known bug for this, but I am guessing it’s been fixed in mu by now – (I’m using 2.92 I think).

    This is what I am thinking MAY be happening, and I’d love a way to update MU to close this loophole, if indeed it exists.

    I am thinking that the spammers actually created a dozen or more accounts, and only activated one at a time. I am thinking that perhaps by the time I add the bad domain to the list of no-signups-allowed, they have already created several others – and simply activate them later.

    If this is true, I would love for MU / Buddypress to do a check, when a member actually does this activation, and tell them sorry – the email domain is now on the bad list, and they can not activate.

    Not sure if this is true, just a thought.



    Did you go into the left sidebar of the dashboard and enable / setup the forums component (called ‘forums setup’ under the buddypress box)?

    I also found that once that is done, you have to go into a group / then group admin , and enable forums posting there too..

    Please mark this as resolved if it fixes your issue.



    Resolved after reading this thread:

    I decided to login as a group admin, click on the admin for the group, and checked the box to enable forum posting. Now I have a publicly viewable forum post – so it seems to work… I guess this is resolved.

    Although I must suggest adding a note somewhere around the forums posting area that posting a message to a forum that does not have it enabled will do no good… as I and many others are left confused about why we make a forum post and it just disappears.. I guess a note saying that that feature needs to be enabled by the group admin would be nice.

    Or perhaps we should be able to enable general forums for users without groups membership being needed, maybe?



    An update to my situation in the post above..

    I deactivated buddypress. Deleted all files in the buddypress foldder. Uploaded fresh buddypress files. Reactivated buddypress. Then my forums tab disappeared from the public home page. So I went into the dashboard, clicked don forums setup, and it said I could install, etc… So I clicked to install a fresh bbpress.

    It said it could not write a bb-config file and gave me the code to create one manaully.

    I copied the code and put it in the root of my wordpressmu install as it said.

    Forums tab now shows. I went to add a forum post, and the same thing happens – it just disappears.. like it is not saving any forum posts…

    Any ideas?



    I found this – and it looks what it does what you all have been talking about, Free, open source, and easy to implement. Haven’t tried it on my site yet, but I would love to see someone mod it to only allow bpress logged in users to use it.



    Thanks for the info Paul!



    This should so become a WP plugin or bpress addon or something.



    I am having a similar issue.

    Wpmu 2.9.2, Bp

    When I click on forums, then post a new topic, enter in everything. It goes back to the screen showing All topics (0) – and says “sorry there were no topics found”

    I checked on the buddypress / forums setup tab in the backend, and it says:

    bbPress forum integration in BuddyPress has been set up correctly. If you are having problems you can re-install

    Should I try to reinstall the forums / bbpress? and if so which option would I choose?

    Set up a new bbPress installation Use an existing bbPress installation



    I am seriously considering using a robots.txt file to noindex nofollow my sitewide activity page and members page.

    Just to see what happens.. I have lost position for some keywords with the newer theme and setup now.. I also want to find where the alt-tage for my stie title is showing in the code so it is not alt-taged “home” – I think those things will help it get to where it was.

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