Ed N. replied to the topic What happened to OPEN??? in the forum Creating & Extending 3 years, 2 months ago
@vapvarun – Thank you. I will take a look to see if this helps.
@imath, @jjj, @DJPaul, @boonebgorges, @mercime, @hnla, @shanebp, @danbp, @henrywright
Still wondering why the official docs are hidden from developers…
Ed N. replied to the topic What happened to OPEN??? in the forum Creating & Extending 3 years, 3 months ago
@imath, @jjj, @DJPaul, @boonebgorges, @mercime, @hnla, @shanebp, @danbp, @henrywright
Anyone out there?
Henry Wright replied to the topic A Nicer Way To Edit Group Slugs in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 9 years, 3 months ago
Great to hear that @tonydjukic
Just to point out, I seem to have got @johnjamesjacoby‘s username wrong in my comment above. He seems to be @jjj everywhere else, just not on this forum 🙂
Henry Wright replied to the topic A Nicer Way To Edit Group Slugs in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 9 years, 3 months ago
Even though the plugin hasn’t been updated for 2+ years, it’s built by @jjj (BuddyPress project lead who knows BuddyPress inside out) so it will be well-written. If you do spot anything, open a support ticket on the plugin’s forum.
David Bisset started the topic Announcing BuddyCamp Miami 2015! in the forum Miscellaneous 9 years, 12 months ago
Greetings all – wasn’t sure where to put this (maybe a mod or admin can make this sticky in the right area in the forums).
Miami is holding it’s third BuddyCamp and date as of now is May 29th, 2015. We are looking for speakers (this week we are opening up speaker applications). If you would like to come down and speak about BuddyPress / bbPress,…[Read more]
David Bisset started the topic Announcing BuddyCamp Miami 2015! in the forum Miscellaneous 9 years, 12 months ago
Greetings all – wasn’t sure where to put this (maybe a mod or admin can make this sticky in the right area in the forums).
Miami is holding it’s third BuddyCamp and date as of now is May 29th, 2015. We are looking for speakers (this week we are opening up speaker applications). If you would like to come down and speak about BuddyPress / bbPress,…[Read more]
Ben Hansen replied to the topic New WP Role with access to Groups and Activity in dashboard. in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 years ago
@jjj just thought i’d ping you since nobody followed up on this one and he was still asking questions.
Henry Wright replied to the topic This is why we can't have nice things in the forum Requests & Feedback 10 years, 2 months ago
@jjj I’ve noticed 1 or 2 forum spam messages today actually. Topic subject lines were along the lines of aaaaaaaaa and the thread content was a similar kinda crap. Not sure if that was related? Anyhow, I spammed the messages when I came across them
Paul Wong-Gibbs replied to the topic Future of BuddyPress? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 3 months ago
Hello! This thread is mostly accurate, but just to wrap things up —
@jjj has been working at 10up.com since August, and I’ve been at Automattic since the beginning of 2013. John and I had been contributing to BuddyPress for years before we started at Automattic. Our day jobs don’t affect our contributions to BuddyPress, and as @henrywright-1…[Read more]
OC2PS started the topic Future of BuddyPress? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 3 months ago
Just realized that @jjj does not work with Automattic anymore. Raises the question: Will he continue to lead BP? Or will Automattic assign another PM/owner for the project?
Henry replied to the topic What happened when my site have 500.000 members and and 1000 Groups in the forum Showcase 11 years, 6 months ago
Yes, I think one of the BP core developers worked at The Telegraph before his move to Automattic.
I would guess the number of active users should be the main metric to use. A site with 1m inactive users will test just how much data the server can hold whereas a site with 1m active users will test so much more.
See this response I…[Read more]
Hugo Ashmore replied to the topic fatal error with bbpress after updating to BP 1.8 in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 7 months ago
This is an issue that has arisen it seems with the bp groups extension re-write, it’s been mentioned on bbpress support but the solution or workarounds suggested best not followed, in due course @jjj will doubtless look into it and put a fix in place.
Ben Hansen replied to the topic WordPress + BuddyPress – seperate or combined install? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 7 months ago
i’d ask @jjj about it.
Henry started the topic Template hierarchy Codex page in the forum Requests & Feedback 11 years, 8 months ago
This -> https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/theme-development/template-hierarchy/
..is fantastic (both in concept and the explanation of how it will work). Cannot wait for 1.8!
Ben Hansen replied to the topic Capabilities Editor in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 9 months ago
the problem is that the capabilities do not actually exist like they do for bbpress and wordpress maybe you should try to ask your questions after the next devchat. @jjj mentioned that they do want to add them at some point in the future perhaps you can pitch in if you are eager to make it happen.
devchat info here:…[Read more]
Ben Hansen replied to the topic BuddyPress + bbPress + WPMU in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 9 months ago
yeah idk maybe something is up with your network i have it enabled on only on the root site. works fine and shows up in the control list. pretty sure i read somewhere about network vs single site enabling for bbpress before in the documentation somewhere I’m 99.9% our situation is not a fluke maybe @jjj can settle it :/
Tammie Lister started the topic Ask your BuddyPress questions to a panel at WordSesh in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 10 months ago
Excuse the promotional post here but wanted to bring this to people’s attention as a great way to get your BuddyPress questions answered.
WordSesh is a cool 24hour online festival of presentations taking place from 0:00 UTC until 24:00 UTC on Saturday 13th April.
As part of this at 21:00…[Read more]
Hugo Ashmore replied to the topic Can we add a form on here for support request? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 10 months ago
Doubt a forms possible but we may be able to ask @jjj if it’s possible to modify the post editor area and add a little blurb/ bullet point to prompt the poster, asking if they have stated their versions and themes in use.
Ben Hansen replied to the topic [Resolved] BuddyPress.org issue… in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 11 months ago
there was some post @jjj made about having a different nickname from your shortname to avoid that but i think i might heard that no longer applies. you might have also been flagged as a spammer somehow, possibly, […]
Hugo Ashmore replied to the topic How do I post code that contains php in my replies on here? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 12 months ago
think things may have gone slightly wonky.
ping @jjj
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