Re: having trouble creating a child theme
thanks mercime, that was really helpful. but actually, after reading your post, all i did was swap out the URLs in my child theme’s stylesheet, so now i have,
/* Inherit the default theme styles */
@import url( ../../themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css );
/* Inherit the default theme adminbar styles */
@import url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css );
that seems to have done the trick, as now if you visit the mockup2.html page, it looks just like the pre-mockup.
the next thing i’ll need to do is actually throw the switch by activating the theme in the wordpress admin, i think with the above mockup page, all i did was copy the homepage source code and save it as a .html file so i could play around, and linked it to the child theme style.css by changing the link in the head. however to get this live on the site, I’m assuming i have to activate the child theme in the main wordpress dashboard, is this correct? (a little nervous).