Re: WP 3.0.4 Multisite Breaks BP Forum
Thak you Anrea_r
I am not returning a PHP error. I checked the log file and saw nothing out of the ordinary, then turned error reporting on and set to E_ALL to display on screen, and again received no error. I created my own page with a php error just to make that it was logging and displaying errors correctly and it returned the error as expected.
I originally installed 3.0.4 running PHP 5.1.6, found this issue, and upgraded to PHP 5.2.17 as required. I figured the old PHP version was causing the error (maybe requiring a php function not available in 5.1.6), but the upgrade to 5.2.17 produced the same result. I have since reinstalled 3.0.4 on the 5.2.17 and still the same result.
Can you think of anything else that may produce the white screen that would not return a php error?