Re: how disable buddypress header menus from main site in wordpress network mode?
Can anyone please confirm the following from my previous requests: (a) that BuddyPress secondary blog installations on a WP multisite are not restricted to the secondary blog (i.e., a network-activate-only plugin), and more to the point, (b) how I can deactivate the admin bar from *only* the main site (note that by following the recommendations above, it’s removed from both sites, but this is due to blog_id being stuck at 1 no matter which blog I’m on). At this point I’ve gotten nowhere, and am seriously wondering whether BuddyPress is a good idea on a multisite.
As a final request, my BP account for this forum is set to receive email notifications, but I have yet to receive one email of a posting to this thread; this behavior does not happen with similar forums to which I’m subscribed.