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Re: WordPress 3.1



Just like everyone eles said on the NETWORK admin pannel AKA The Extreme Back End Buddypress settings there Plugin settings on Vacation and are MIA. You’d think if you activate them you be able to use them.So I did some work with it instead of network I’d just local site set it still NONTHING. It made it worst! What I learn is if you have network mode on buddypress can only do network or atleast in 3.1. Next time I wont upgrade for like a mo. I was so happy to see 3.1 now I hate it. Its like getting a 2012 Dodge Viper just to find out it has 1,000,000 miles on it and sugar in the gas tank but you did not know this before you drove it. Now you got a mess you cant even afford to fix even if the maker of buddypress sold there software to fix it.

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