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Re: [Resolved] Been trying to adapt my theme to buddypress and I dont understand I need some help!!!

If you look at the two files you’ll notice the main similarity of those files is this:


Compare that to a BP index page in one of the directories such as activity you will see something like:

The idea is that these elements should essentially represent the main html elements that form the site layout, the BP files much match the structure of your chosen theme so it looks as though your chosen theme does noy use #content or .padder so they need to be replaced (along with the matching closing tags) with the one you see in your chosen theme file (this needs to be done for all BP files as listed in the guide).

Once the layout functions you will probably need to bring BP links in to the chosen themes primary link structure which will live in the header file (think that’s explained in the guide – if not check out the simplified guide provided by mercime in the codex as it may explain things further)

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