Re: Mark up validation errors in BP Default theme
I’ve just tested on a brand new install of WP3.1 and BP1.2.8 of the box.
In Transitional, the activity stream generates 3 validation errors for every update:
`required attribute “rows” not specified`
`required attribute “cols” not specified`
`id=”_wpnonce_new_activity_comment” already defined`
this is out of the box without any mods of any sort. the lack of attributes I can fix. Also, if I run in transitional then unwrapped input fields won’t get flagged, and although I’ve always worked in strict that’s fine. But what I have no way of getting around is the mass of :
global.js (line 330) contains :
`’_wpnonce_new_activity_comment’: jq(“input#_wpnonce_new_activity_comment”).val(),`
I’m not that great with js, but I’m wondering if the use of an id relationship could be swapped for a class relationship? If it’s just for targetting, then surely there’s no need to use an id in place of a class.