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Re: Child themes are not being accepted to the REPO at this time

John James Jacoby


The lack of BP theme authors, and the newness and complexities of supporting child themes in the repo makes this an easy target for confusion for everyone. I remember glancing over Otto’s update but I never got a heads up it was official for BP. Unless it’s just alwas been that way and it predates me.

Ideally we would want a dedicated BuddyPress theme reviewer that’s familiar with BP and has the time to maintain those specific themes, test them with future versions of BuddyPress, etc. Even more ideally if it was someone active in the forums and trac. Being a theme reviewer is a volunteer position that comes with it lots of responsibilities and expectations. It also doesn’t help that bp-default triggers a ton of debug notices in the 1.2 branch.

As my focus shifts around and as I settle in to my new role at Automattic, I’m slowly picking up access and getting familiar with things like this that I’ve never rounds before. :)

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