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Re: Announcing BuddyPress Group Forums for bbPress

Burt Adsit


@john, I included some template tags in the bbGroups package that demonstrates some of that theme’s use of bp centric features. I didn’t include the forums feature because it was specific to the theme. I’ll just zip up that theme and post it on my blog for you to look at the code. Gimme a few.

OK. It’s here:

You should just be able to unzip that in my-templates. One thing though. bbPress doesn’t seem to have a functions.php file that gets run in each theme/template as wp does. So I had all the template specific code being launched from my oci_bb_group_forums.php plugin. I’ve got all the template code living in oci_bb_custom.php so it get loaded up automatically. I included my oci_bb_custom.php file in the template zip. Just drop that in my-plugins and it’ll be loaded by the bbGroups plugin in bbpress.

If you look at the front-page.php file you’ll see how the forum list is generated.

<?php oci_forum_list('open', 'Community Forums', false); ?>
<?php oci_forum_list('readonly', 'Group Forums', true); ?>
<?php oci_forum_list('hidden', 'Private Forums', true); ?>

That fn is a little out of date. I used to have an option in there to generate identicon avatars for all forums. Even the forums that weren’t bp related. I took that capability out. What it does do now is display avs for the currently logged in user’s groups only.

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