Re: suggested change in welcome widget
A ha! Gotcha…. That is more complicated.
You can change the label by hacking a core file (not recommended). Do this by editing the following lines in “bp-core/bp-core-widgets.php”:
/* Site welcome widget */
wp_register_sidebar_widget( 'buddypress-welcome', __( 'Welcome', 'buddypress' ), 'bp_core_widget_welcome' );
wp_register_widget_control( 'buddypress-welcome', __( 'Welcome', 'buddypress' ), 'bp_core_widget_welcome_control' );
The more elegant and sustainable approach is to use a language file to modify the text. This would be a better approach overall since you can then change any label in one place (the language file) and not have to worry about an update to BuddyPress core files down the road.
For an example of how to use a language file to edit labels and messages, see my comments and suggestions in this thread.