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Re: New Twitter Plugin for BuddyPress



@Scotm – so you have the BP nav bar at the top but only part of the nav items are available. Any plans to add more items, such as a My Account aspect? If so then people would have access to Settings, and thus, you could use this BP Twitter plugin that we’re creating.

If not then you could add a link to either /members/[username]/settings or /members/[username]/settings/twitter-admin to adjust their Twittter login info, and to /members/[username]/settings/twitter for viewing tweets etc. – and the plugin would work that way. Basically what I’m saying is that people need a way to configure their Twitter account – and if you’re not using the other aspects of BP then what’s the point of using BP in the first place? You could use P2 on top of WPMU without BP.

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