Re: Navigation buttons – Where are they?
I have read and reread this forum post to discern how to find and edit the nav bar names.
I am using WordPress MU 2.7.1
Buddypress 1.0.1
Facebuddy theme
Burt says: “- header.php in both the home and member theme dirs bp_nav_items() > bp-core-templatetags.php function bp_nav_items() ” but when I look in my files in the control panel, I can’t find it anyhwere.
I know this is super easy but I think I am missing a very basic file breadcrumb trail.
wp-content -> themes -> facebuddy-home-theme -> ?
I have looked in file after file for Burt’s mention of bp-core-templatetags and there is no bp-core that I can see anywhere or any kind of templatetag. What am I missing?