Re: BuddyPress plugins and theme not loading
Well this is what I get in the list:
WordPress Classic (1.5)
WordPress mu Default (1.6)
WordPress mu Homepage (1.6)
Are you sure that you’re looking in the proper spot? The theme list you provided is what you see when you go to “Site admin > Themes”. These are the themes from which you can choose your home theme.
To choose your member theme, you need to go to the BuddyPress menu grouping all the way down at the bottom of the menu column. So, as Burt indicated, you would go to “BuddyPress > General Settings > Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”.
You choose the member theme from the combo box. With a default BP install you should only see two theme choices: BuddyPress Default Member Theme (1.0.1)–this is the one you want–and, Skeleton BuddyPress Member Theme (1.2).
Are you saying that instead of those two themes showing up in the “BuddyPress > General Settings” menu area that you have the home themes you’ve listed above?