Re: What is the correct way to alter the admin-bar.css
Hey r-a-y,
is it possible that you give me an example of this if-else statement?
I also do have another question. I would like to change the admin_bar_logo.gif. I was thinking about using the following code:
function bp_adminbar_custom_logo() {
global $bp;
echo '<a>root_domain . '"><img id="admin-bar-logo" src="' . apply_filters( 'bp_admin_bar_logo_src', bloginfo('template_url') . /images/admin_bar_logo.gif . '" alt="' . apply_filters( 'bp_admin_bar_logo_alt_text', __( 'BuddyPress', 'buddypress' ) ) . '" /></a>';
However i have problems with bloginfo(‘template_url’) which isn’t working and i don’t get the mistake, if there is one?!