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Re: upgrade gone wrong… all wrong… white screen of death 1.0.3



All this stuff that was going wrong after the 1.0.3 auto install:

The bad stuff:

4. The admin bar is missing when you click on someone’s profile and if you click to view a group. The admin bar is active everywhere else, including the backend of blogs.

5. Profile Wires and Forum Wires aren’t working anymore.

No buddypress plugins are active. Haven’t set any of them up yet. Just checking out the install. Not sure why wires aren’t working. hmm.

WPMU 2.8.2 + buddypress 1.0.3 + bbPress

On the wires of the profiles the Avatar is put in replace of the wire with an error message:

Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843

On the wires of the “groups” a huge avatar is plucked out of nowhere and I’m getting this message:

Warning: require_once(/home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/activity/activity-list.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysites_org/htdocs/wp-includes/theme.php on line 843

This was all fixed by uploading my backup from 1.0.2 of the wp-content – bp-themes – bpmember

There were some files missing from the 1.0.3 auto install that was causing the wires not to work, and the admin bar not to show up in places.


Thanks to everyone for their very helpful tips!

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