Re: Simplified blog creation – blogname generated from Blog Title
Good point r-a-y! I’ll put a limit on the number of characters for the title field. Problem solved!
It’s a matter of choice of course. I try to follow the less is more school of interface design, think Apple – I use pc myself, not a Mac fanboy, just making a point.
Does anybody know what I should use instead of ‘echo’ to send that value for blogname straight to the rest of the script?
Or can I do something like this:
<input name="blogname" type="hidden" id="blogname" value="$blogname" maxlength="50" />
$blogname = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower(wp_specialchars($blog_title, 1)));
I think I’ve already tried this, but it didn’t do anything. I’ll try again…