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Re: Is BuddyPress a sensible choice for a larger social site?



@bobblegom I am BP all the way but shouldn’t you compare Google Trends on “drupal” vs “buddypress” not “drupal social” ?

@candydate I just see the release of 2.7, 2.8 all the way to 2.8.4, all of @donncha’s hard work and the aforementioned community buzz and conclude that the wp community is not moving slowly.

I run a BP community of USMA alumni and not only is it stable but they generally love it. I am more of a hack than true coder and I have had no issues. It is def a serious professional grade tool. The ease of customization alone (I have many friends who run Drupal sites and it’s always fun to hear them defend the arcane way Drupal does things.

WP and BP have a lot of growth ahead and they are by no means perfect but the openness and willingness to change and grow is evident (just see any IRC chat with all the developers)

Happy to answer more specific questions on resource requirements and what you were not able to learn from your dummy site.

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