Re: Function/Call to access Custom Profile Fields?
For some reason…no matter what I try, I can’t inject SPECIFIC variables via the xprofile_set_field_data function….I run this function (below)
ONLY AFTER running two conditionals to make sure
ONE the buddypress globals are set
TWO the check for the xprofile function passes
Both conditionals pass (as expected) then go to my test function below
End result — The echo statement appears correctly…but nothing is appearing in the field values for the user – I am pulling my hair out??????
function BP_Insert_Test($wpuid, $age) {
$age = ’22’; // Should appear in the profile
echo(‘user id is ‘ . $wpuid . ‘ and userdata is ‘ . $age);
xprofile_set_field_data(2, $wpuid, $age);
Any ideas?