Re: Removing default sidebars
unregister_sidebar() works but it is weird and finicky.
WP’s internal documentation says that unregister_sidebar() takes the ID of the sidebar as an argument, which I suppose is technically true, but it’s misleading. Sidebar IDs are automatically generated. They look like sidebar-1, sidebar-2, etc, and are different from the names you give a sidebar when you register it.
Here’s a little function you can use to see what your sidebars look like (don’t use this on a live site!):
`function what_are_my_sidebars_called() {
global $wp_registered_sidebars;
print “
"; print_r($wp_registered_sidebars); print "
“; die();
add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘what_are_my_sidebars_called’, 1 );