Re: BP 1.2 and bbPress admin/plugins
Wonder if you could use this to create extra forums like a Miscellaneous or a General forum? I want to use the default install because I like the way it all integrated with the group forums, but I wanted to have some general forums for random stuff that I really don’t want to have to force people to sign up to that group just to post there. Right now, having to skin and deal with external bbpress installation seems more of a hassle than dealing with the random forum for me.
Using trunk + single wp; I’m set up on an external installs of bbPress + BuddyPress/internal install for groups
I use the bpGroups plugins (“forums” subdomain of the BP site) but the plug-in required some updating to get everything working smooth (activity notifications, public/private/hidden/ready only stuff)
Obviously this method won’t enable plugins on the buddypress/internal groups but this allows me to provide an advanced forum interface while creating outside forums (support, help, testing, etc) not associated with groups (group forums can be added to a specific forum category – i think default is “1”).
… i have re-theme’d bbPress to somewhat match the new default BP theme (well somewhat)