Re: Unplugged: A Dark and Sleek Child Theme for Buddypress 1.2+
Thanks Bowe!
@Andy – As I am totally new to theme styling I copied all the default.css template over due to the total rework in that file. Pretty much all the colours have changed. if possible, Could someone (or yourself) please modify it so it doesnt load the css twice yet keeps all the same colours of the theme – essentially, the colours are the main things that have changed.
Yes my instructions do stipulate that as I had many issues with this. When I had the Child Theme linked to Template: bp-default it never registered the bp-default theme in the buddypress plugin area. Then I went to the theme page and it said Stylesheet is missing for the theme. So, then I COPIED the bp-default theme out of the Buddypress plugin area and it automatically worked and registered it. I think its due to the Child theme being in wp-content/themes and the default theme being in plugins/buddypress/bp-themes area.
Please double check but it does not work without me pulling the bp-default theme out.
Also I already posted abut the repository above – (In case anyone asks, I have tried multiple times to submit this to the WordPress Extend Themes Depo but it keeps saying it is not a zip file I have uploaded. I have even downloaded Safari JUST to upload the theme with the same error response. So that is why I am hosting it on my website.)
It wont let me upload the zip file no matter how hard I try and I have tried on firefox, chrome, IE and Safari.