Re: Activity Time Stamp Saying [Use GMT Timezone] ago
1. Open up bp-core.php
2. Find Function bp_core_time_since( $older_date, $newer_date = false )
3. Locate $since = $newer_date – $older_date;
4. Change the above to $since = ($newer_date – $older_date) – $off_time;
5. Substitute $off_time (used as a reference in the steps) to the amount of seconds your site is off by. For instance my site was off by 5 hours, so I used 18000 (60 * 60 * 5). My result is $since = ($newer_date – $older_date) – 18000;
6. Upload changed to your website.
7. Fixed
After a bit of looking around I noticed that the Status time had been correct…and hence subtracting time led to the [Use GMT Timezeone] to pop up for the status time.
Here’s the fix for this.
1. Find the if statement if ( 0 > $since )
2. Comment out return __( ‘[Use GMT Timezone]’, ‘buddypress’ );
3. Add $since = $newer_date – $older_date; inside the if (above the line you just commented out)
4. Upload changes
5. Fixed