Re: New plugin: BP Group Management
Great plugin Boone! I found one issue though –
There’s no pagination, so I could only see the first page of groups. You can just add this:
<div class="tablenav">
<div class="tablenav-pages">
<span class="displaying-num" id="group-dir-count">
<?php bp_groups_pagination_count() ?>
<span class="page-numbers" id="group-dir-pag">
<?php bp_groups_pagination_links() ?>
You will need to move the <?php if( bp_has_groups( $args ) ) : ?>
above that though and get it outside of the table generation.
I also thought it would be nice to add a column at the start for the group avatar?
<td scope="row" style="text-align: center; padding: 5px 10px">
<a href="admin.php?page=bp-group-management/bp-group-management-bp-functions.php&action=edit&id=<?php bp_group_id() ?>" class="edit"><?php bp_group_avatar( 'width=35&height=35' ); ?></a>
You’d probably want to move the inline CSS out of there.